Article in Sensors

Colleagues from Condensed Matter Physics Department, Marta Lavrič, George Cordoyiannis in Nikola Novak, in collaboration with groups from University of Ljubljana (L. Bar, A. Iglič) and Université Libre de Bruxelles Bruslju (M. E. Villanueva, P. Losada-Pérez), have published an article in the journal Sensors, entitled “Quality assessment of solvent-assisted lipid bilayers in different phases and aqueous buffer media: A QCM-D study” ( By means of quartz microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D), they have measured the adsorbed lipid mass in real-time, through changes in frequency and dissipation. They have demonstrated how different experimental parameters (aqueous buffers, and adsorption at temperatures corresponding to the fluid or gel phases) affect the quality of supported lipid bilayers, formed by the solvent-exchange method on Au and SiO2 surfaces. This time-efficient method for forming supported lipid bilayers is recently receiving increasing attention among scientists. However, its dependence on different experimental conditions is not yet fully understood.