PR-12213 Slovenian Quantum Communication Infrastructure Demonstration (SIQUID), 1. 1. 2013-30. 6. 2025
Šifra projekta: PR-12213
Obdobje: 1. 1. 2023-30. 6. 2025
Vodja projekta na F5: dr. Peter Jeglič

Spletna stran projekta: SIQUID
NRP project code: 3350-24-3502
Starting date: 21. 5. 2024
End date: 31. 5. 2026
Financier: Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Education and the European Union – NextGenerationEU
Value: 1.000.000,00 EUR
J. Stefan Institute funding: 30.038,91 EUR
Coordinator: Zavod Antona Martina Slomška
Participating organisations: UP PEF, UM PEF, UL PEF, Zavod RS za šolstvo, J. Stefan Institute, UL FF, UL FRI, UM FERI, OŠ Škofije
Participating researchers at J. Stefan Institute: prof. dr. Aleksander Zidanšek in doc. dr. Anton Gradišek
The Generative Artificial Intelligence in Education project puts learner-centred learning and teaching at its heart. This means that a key starting point and purpose of the project is to study, design and apply guidelines for the meaningful use of generative artificial intelligence in learning and teaching in order to support the achievement of learning objectives. The theoretical foundations of the project are based on two models that are well established in the educational profession:
- TPACK model guiding teachers towards a didactically informed approach and the selection of appropriate technology that are complementary and at the same time support the learning and teaching process and
- SAMR model assessing the level or quality of the use of technology (in this case artificial intelligence) in the learning and teaching process, in terms of reflecting on its added value in achieving the set content and process objectives and learners’ competences.
The core of the project is an interplay of three areas: i) exploring the field of generative artificial intelligence, ii) testing pedagogical approaches in relation to generative artificial intelligence, and iii) appropriate content and applications (with artificial intelligence) that can support both the teacher and the learner in the teaching and learning process.
- Project results:
- To explore the impact of generative artificial intelligence on the perception and change of learning and teaching from the perspective of different stakeholders, considering didactical, legal, financial and ethical aspects of the use of generative artificial intelligence in education in our country.
- To analyse the situation and needs of Higher Education Institutions for the efficient and effective use of generative artificial intelligence in the educational process in Slovenia.
- To develop and test baseline guidelines for the effective and efficient use of generative artificial intelligence for modern learning and teaching of teachers and students.
- Preparation, implementation and evaluation of sample learning scenarios in the field of the use of artificial intelligence in selected Higher Education Institutions.
- Preparation of Guidelines for the efficient and effective use of generative artificial intelligence for and in education.
The project is funded by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the Recovery and Resilience Plan – NextGenerationEU.
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Spletna stran projekta: SIQUID