Centres of excellence

Centre of excellence

Centre of excellence Nanocenter

Project: Nanostructrued surfaces and border layers

Project leader: professor Igor Muševič, PhD

About the project:

Project Nanostructured surfaces and border layer part of the Nanocenter Center of excellence, led by professor Dragan D. Mihailović, PhD. The project was made possible by the interactive physical environment of the centre with state-of-the-art equipment and research of surfaces and border layers at the level of individual atoms and molecules. The research group is made of 29 researchers and technician from the academic and industrial circles, who ensure that the top-notch equipment functions smoothly and conduct projects in the field of physics and application of surfaces and border layers. As part of the project, two tunneling microscopes operate at the Department for condensed matter physics for research of surfaces in high vacuum and at liquid helium temperatures. The F5 Department research group is also developing new methods for studying the surfaces at the atom level, such as tunneling microscope based on MRI spectroscopy.

Centre of excellence Namaste

Project: Complex materials for new technologies: from soft material to hard coatings

Project leader: professor Slobodan Žumer, PhD

About the project:

This research project is implemented in the scope of the Namaste Center of Excellence led by Alenka Rožaj, PhD. As part of the project, an innovative physical enviroment was created, which enables research of new soft and composite materials for use in very powerful electrooptical switches and modulators based on liquid crystals, elastomers for use in adaptive optics and devices for absorbtion of mechanical shocks, bioactive material, coatings and other organic-anorganic materials. The project is focused on uderstanding the physical properties and proceses in these complex materials at the molecular, mesoscopic and macroscopic level, in order to model them and create new functional materials. The project coherently combines different spectroscopic and microscopic experimental techniques in combination with numerical simulation and modeling to discover and predict physical properties of these new complex materials.