Original Article – 2018

1.  Janez Grad, Anton Gradišek, “Bumblebee brood temperature and colony development: a field study”, Acta entomologica slovenica, 2018, 26, 2, 219-232.

2.  Peter Keil, Maximilian Trapp, Nikola Novak, Till Frömling, Hans-Joachim Kleebe, Jürgen Rödel, “Piezotronic tuning of potential barriers in ZnO bicrystals”, Advanced materials, 2018, 30, 10, 1705573.

3.  Chloe C. Tartan, John J. Sandford O’Neill, Patrick S. Salter, Jure Aplinc, Martin J. Booth, Miha Ravnik, Stephen Morris, Steve Elston, “Read on demand images in laser-written polymerizable liquid crystal devices”, Advanced optical materials, 2018, 6, 1800515.

4.  Bojana Višić, Eva Kranjc, Luka Pirker, Urška Bačnik, Gašper Tavčar, Srečo D. Škapin, Maja Remškar, “Incense powder and particle emission characteristics during and after burning incense in an unventilated room setting”, Air quality, atmosphere & health, 2018, 11, 6, 649-663.

5.  Aleksander Matavž, Janez Kovač, Miha Čekada, Barbara Malič, Vid Bobnar, “Enhanced electrical response in ferroelectric thin film capacitors with inkjet-printed  electrodes”, Applied physics letters, 2018, 113, 1, 012904.

6.  D. R. Kazanov et al. (12 authors), “Multiwall  tubes as optical resonators”, Applied physics letters, 2018, 113, 10, 101106.

7.  Nikša Krstulović, Krešimir Salamon, Ognjen Budimlija, Janez Kovač, Jasna Dasović, Polona Umek, Ivana Capan, “Parameters optimization for synthesis of Al-doped ZnO nanoparticles by laser ablation in water”, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 440, 916-925.

8.  Borut Jereb, Tanja Batkovič, Luka Herman, Gregor Šipek, Špela Kovše, Asta Gregorič, Griša Močnik, “Exposure to black carbon during bicycle commuting – alternative route selection”, Atmosphere, 2018, 9, 1, 21.

9.  Samuel Weber, Gaëlle Uzu, Aude Calas, Florie Chevrier, Jean-Luc Besombes Besombes, Aurélie Charron, Dalia Salameh, Irena Ježek, Griša Močnik, Jean-Luc Jaffrezo, “An apportionment method for the oxidative potential of atmospheric particulate matter sources: application to a one-year study in Chamonix, France”, Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 2018, 18, 13, 9617-9629.

10.  Nivedita K. Kumar et al. (13 authors), “Production of particulate brown carbon during atmospheric aging of residential wood-burning emissions”, Atmospheric chemistry and physics, 2018, 24, 17843-17861.

11.  Irena Ježek, Nadège Blond, Grzegorz Skupinski, Griša Močnik, “The traffic emission-dispersion model for a Central-European city agrees with measured black carbon apportioned to traffic”, Atmospheric environment, 2018, 184, 177-190.

12.  Pavlo Kurioz, Marko Kralj, Bryce S. Murray, Charles Rosenblatt, Samo Kralj, “Nematic topological defects positionally controlled by geometry and external fields”, Beilstein journal of nanotechnology, 2018, 9, 109-118.

13.  Franci Bajd, Igor Serša, “A bond-fluctuation model of translational dynamics of chain-like particles through mucosal scaffolds”, Biophysical journal, 2018, 114, 11, 2732-2742.

14.  Rita R. Ferreira, Guillaume Pakula, Lhéanna Klaeyle, Hajime Fukui, Andrej Vilfan, Willy Supatto, Julien Vermot, “Chiral cilia orientation in the left-right organizer”, Cell reports, 2018, 25, 8, 2008-2016.e4.

15.  Zoran Arsov, Emilio J. González-Ramírez, Felix M. Goñi, S. Tristram-Nagle, John F. Nagle, “Phase behavior of palmitoyl and egg sphingomyelin”, Chemistry and physics of lipids, 2018, 213, 102-110.

16.  Satyanarayan Patel, Florian Weyland, Xiaoli Tan, Nikola Novak, “Tunable pyroelectricity around the ferroelectric/antiferroelectric transition”, Energy technology, 2018, 6, 5, 865-871.

17.  Satyanarayan Patel, Aditya Chauhan, Virginia Rojas, Nikola Novak, Florian Weyland, Jürgen Rödel, Rahul Vaish, “Thermomechanical energy conversion potential of lead-free  bulk ceramics”, Energy technology, 2018, 6, 5, 872-882.

18.  Florian Weyland, Richard Perez-Moyet, George A. Rossetti, Nikola Novak, “Material measures of electrocaloric cooling power in perovskite ferroelectrics”, Energy technology, 2018, 6, 8, 1512-1518.

19.  Florian Weyland, Andraž Bradeško, Yang-Bin Ma, Jurij Koruza, Bai-Xiang Xu, Karsten Albe, Tadej Rojac, Nikola Novak, “Impact of polarization dynamics and charged defects on the electrocaloric response of ferroelectric  ceramics”, Energy technology, 2018, 6, 8, 1519-1525.

20.  Marjan Krašna, Eva Klemenčič, Zdravko Kutnjak, Samo Kralj, “Phase-changing materials for thermal stabilization and thermal transport”, Energy, 2018, 162, 554-563.

21.  Luca Ferrero, Griša Močnik, Sergio Cogliati, Asta Gregorič, Roberto Colombo, Enzio Bolzacchini, “Heating rate of light absorbing aerosols: resolved measurements, the role of clouds and source-identification”, Environmental science & technology, 2018, 52, 6, 3546-3555.

22.  Eva Kranjc, Darja Mazej, Marjana Regvar, Damjana Drobne, Maja Remškar, “Foliar surface free energy affects platinum nanoparticle adhesion, uptake, and translocation from leaves to roots in arugula and escarole”, Environmental science. Nano, 2018, 5, 2, 520-532.

23.  Žiga Kos, Miha Ravnik, “Elementary flow field profiles of micro-swimmers in weakly anisotropic nematic fluids: stokeslet, stresslet, rotlet and source flows”, Fluids, 2018, 3, 15.

24.  Alen Ajanović, Andrej Ulčar, Ana Marija Peterlin, Karolina Počivavšek, Gašper Fele-Žorž, Anton Gradišek, Matjaž Gams, Mojca Matičič, “Application for viral hepatitis infection risk assessment – HEPY”, Informatica: an international journal of computing and informatics, 2018, 42, 2, 279-281.

25.  Stanislav Vrtnik, S. Guo, S. Sheikh, Andreja Jelen, Primož Koželj, Jože Luzar, Andraž Kocjan, Zvonko Jagličić, Anton Meden, Hwanuk Guim, Hee-Joung Kim, Janez Dolinšek, “Magnetism of CoCrFeNiZrx eutectic high-entropy alloys”, Intermetallics, 2018, 93, 122-133.

26.  Mitja Pohlen, Luka Pirker, Matevž Luštrik, Rok Dreu, “A redispersible dry emulsion system with simvastatin prepared via fluid bed layering as a means of dissolution enhancement of a lipophilic drug”, International journal of pharmaceutics, 2018, 549, 1-2, 325-334.

27.  Ela Şule Erten, Melek Kiristi, Ana Varlec, Ferhat Bozduman, Maja Remškar, Lutfi Oksuz, Aysegul Uygun Oksuz, “Platinum-free counter electrodes of plasma-modified hybrid nanomaterials for dye-sensitised solar cells”, International journal of sustainable energy, 2018, 37, 7, 640-653.

28.  Bouchra Asbani, Y. Gagou, Maja Trček, J.-L. Dellis, M. Amjoud, A. Lahmar, D. Mezzane, Zdravko Kutnjak, Mimoun El Marssi, “Dielectric permittivity enhancement and large electrocaloric effect in the lead free  ferroelectric ceramics”, Journal of alloys and compounds, 2018, 730, 501-508.

29.  Stanislav Vrtnik, Janez Lužnik, Primož Koželj, Andreja Jelen, Jože Luzar, Zvonko Jagličić, Anton Meden, Michael Feuerbacher, Janez Dolinšek, “Disordered ferromagnetic state in the Ce-Gd-Tb-Dy-Ho hexagonal high-entropy alloy”, Journal of alloys and compounds, 2018, 742, 877-886.

30.  Magdalena Wencka, Janez Kovač, Venkata D. B. C. Dasireddy, Blaž Likozar, Andreja Jelen, Stanislav Vrtnik, Peter Gille, Hae Jin Kim, Janez Dolinšek, “The effect of surface oxidation on the catalytic properties of Ga3Ni2 intermetallic compound for carbon dioxide reduction”, Journal of analytical science & technology, 2018, 9, 12.

31.  Gerard Masdeu, Slavko Kralj, Stane Pajk, Josep López-Santín, Darko Makovec, G. Álvaro Gregorio, “Hybrid chloroperoxidase-magnetic nanoparticle clusters: effect of functionalization on biocatalyst performance”, Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology, 2018, 93, 1, 233-245.

32.  J. C. Corbin et al. (15 authors), “Brown and black carbon emitted by a marine engine operated on heavy fuel oil and distillate fuels: optical properties, size distributions, and emission factors”, Journal of geophysical research. Atmospheres, 2018, 123, 11, 6175-6195.

33.  Igor Serša, Urška Mikac, “A study of MR signal reception from a model for a battery cell”, Journal of magnetic resonance, 2018, 294, 7-15.

34.  Andraž Šuligoj, Iztok Arčon, Matjaž Mazaj, Goran Dražić, Denis Arčon, Pegie Cool, Urška Lavrenčič Štangar, Nataša Novak Tušar, “Surface modified titanium dioxide using transition metals: nickel as a winning transition metal for solar light photocatalysis”, Journal of materials chemistry. A, Materials for energy and sustainability, 2018, 6, 21, 9882-9892.

35.  Florian Weyland, Matias Acosta, Malte Vögler, Yoshitaka Ehara, Jürgen Rödel, Nikola Novak, “Electric field-temperature phase diagram of sodium bismuth titanate-based relaxor ferroelectrics”, Journal of Materials Science, 2018, 53, 13, 9393-9400.

36.  Fedor V. Podgornov, Anna V. Ryzhkova, Wolfang Haase, “Dynamics of nonlinear electrophoretic motion of dielectric microparticles in nematic liquid crystal”, Journal of molecular liquids, 2018, 267, 345-352.

37.  Miha Škarabot, Anna V. Ryzhkova, Igor Muševič, “Interactions of single nanoparticles in nematic liquid crystal”, Journal of molecular liquids, 2018, 267, 384-389.

38.  Luka Kelhar, Jana Bezjak, Marjeta Maček, Janez Zavašnik, Sašo Šturm, Primož Koželj, Spomenka Kobe, Jean-Marie Dubois, “The role of Fe and Cu additions on the structural, thermal and magnetic properties of amorphous Al-Ce-Fe-Cu alloys”, Journal of non-crystalline solids, 2018, 483, 70-78.

39.  Andreja Lang, Maja Ovsenik, Ivan Verdenik, Maja Remškar, Čedomir Oblak, “Nanoparticle concentrations and composition in a dental office and dental laboratory: a pilot study on the influence of working procedures”, Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene, 2018, 15, 5, 441-447.

40.  Priyadarshi Ranjan et al. (11 authors), “Decoration of inorganic nanostructures by metallic nanoparticles to induce fluorescence, enhance solubility, and tune band gap”, The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 2018, 122, 12, 6748-6759.

41.  Anton Gradišek, Mitja Krnel, Mark Paskevicius, Bjarne R. S. Hansen, Torben Rene Jensen, Janez Dolinšek, “Reorientational motions and ionic conductivity in  and “, The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, 2018, 122, 30, 17073-17079.

42.  Florian Weyland, Thorsten Eisele, Sebastian Steiner, Till Frömling, George A. Rossetti, Jürgen Rödel, Nikola Novak, “Long term stability of electrocaloric response in barium zirconate titanate”, Journal of the European ceramic society, 2018, 38, 2, 551-556.

43.  Jerneja Milavec, Andraž Rešetič, Alexej Bubnov, Boštjan Zalar, Valentina Domenici, “Dynamic investigations of liquid crystalline elastomers and their constituents by  NMR spectroscopy”, Liquid crystals, 2018, 45, 13-15, 2158-2173.

44.  Alexander Dubtsov, Sergey V. Pasechnik, Dina V. Shmeliova, D. Semerenko, Aleš Iglič, Samo Kralj, “Influence of polar dopant on internal configuration of azoxybenzene nematic-in-water droplets”, Liquid crystals, 2018, 45, 3, 388-400.

45.  Shun Wang, Miha Ravnik, Slobodan Žumer, “Surface-patterning generated half-skyrmion lattices in cholesteric blue phase thin films”, Liquid crystals, 2018, 45, 13/15, 2329-2340.

46.  Iztok Urbančič et al. (16 authors), “Nanoparticles can wrap epithelial cell membranes and relocate them across the epithelial cell layer”, Nano letters, 2918, 18, 8, 5294-5305.

47.  Nina Kostevšek, Irena Abramović, Samo Hudoklin, Mateja Erdani-Kreft, Igor Serša, Ana Sepe, Janja Vidmar, Sašo Šturm, Janez Ščančar, Matjaž Spreitzer, Spomenka Kobe, Kristina Žužek Rožman, “Hybrid  nanoparticles as theranostic tool: in vitro photo-thermal treatment and MRI imaging”, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 3, 1308-1321.

48.  Manel Rodríguez Ripoll, Agnieszka Tomala, Christoph Gabler, Goran Dražić, Luka Pirker, Maja Remškar, “In-situ tribochemical sulfurization of molybdenum oxide nanotubes”, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 7, 3281-3290.

49.  Ana Mafalda Santos et al. (19 authors), “Capturing resting T cells: the perils of PLL”, Nature immunology, 2018, 19, 3, 203-205.

50.  Nejc Janša, Andrej Zorko, Matjaž Gomilšek, Matej Pregelj, Karl W. Krämer, Daniel Biner, Alun Biffin, Christian Rüegg, Martin Klanjšek, “Observation of two types of fractional excitation in the Kitaev honeycomb magnet”, Nature physics, 2018, 14, 786-790.

51.  Lidija Androš-Dubraja, Marijana Jurić, William Lafargue-Dit-Hauret, Damir Pajić, Andrej Zorko, Andrzej Ozarowski, Xavier Rocquefelte, “First crystal structures of oxo-bridged  dinuclear complexes espectroscopic, magnetic and theoretical investigations of the Cr-O-Ta core”, New journal of chemistry, 2018, 42, 13, 10912-10921.

52.  Yunjiang Zhang, Olivier Favez, Francesco Canonaco, Dantong Liu, Griša Močnik, Tanguy Amodeo, Jean Sciare, Andre S. H. Prevot, Valérie Gros, Alexandre Albinet, “Evidence of major secondary organic aerosol contribution to lensing effect black carbon absorption enhancement”, npj climate and atmospheric science, 2018, 8, 47.

53.  Jun-ichi Fukuda, Slobodan Žumer, “Reflection spectra and near-field images of a liquid crystalline half-Skyrmion lattice”, Optics express, 2018, 26, 2, 1174-1184.

54.  Gregor Pirnat, Matjaž Humar, Igor Muševič, “Remote and autonomous temperature measurement based on 3D liquid crystal microlasers”, Optics express, 2018, 26, 18, 22615-22625.

55.  Anja Bregar, Mitja Štimulak, Miha Ravnik, “Photonic properties of heliconical liquid crystals”, Optics express, 2018, 26, 18, 23265-23277.

56.  Jaka Pišljar, Miha Ravnik, “Lensing and waveguiding in birefringent double-twist cylinders demonstrated using FDTD simulations”, Optics express, 2018, 26, 20, 26327-26338.

57.  Rita Rosentsveig et al. (11 authors), “Doping of fullerene-like MoS2 nanoparticles with minute amounts of niobium”, Particle & particle systems characterization, 2018, 35, 3, 1700165.

58.  Lena Yadgarov et al. (13 authors), “Strong light-matter interaction in tungsten disulfide nanotubes”, PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics: a journal of European chemical societies, 2018, 20, 32, 20812-20820.

59.  Florian Weyland, Haibo Zhang, Nikola Novak, “Enhancement of energy storage performance by criticality in lead-free relaxor ferroelectrics”, Physica status solidi. Rapid research letters., 2018, 12, 7, 1800165.

60.  A. Pramanick, W. Dmowski, Takeshi Egami, A. Setiadi Budisuharto, Florian Weyland, Nikola Novak, A. Christianson, J. M. Borreguero, D. Abernathy, M. R. V. Jørgensen, “Stabilization of Polar Nanoregions in Pb-free Ferroelectrics”, Physical review letters, 2018, 120, 20, 207603.

61.  Shang Gao et al. (22 authors), “Dipolar spin ice states with a fast monopole hopping rate in CdEr2X4 (X=Se, S)”, Physical review letters, 2018, 120, 13, 137201.

62.  Yu. O. Zagorodniy et al. (13 authors), “Chemical disorder and  hyperfine fields in the magnetoelectric multiferroic  and its solid solution with “, Physical review materials, 2018, 2, 1, 014401.

63.  Fabio Orlandi et al. (12 authors), “Incommensurate atomic and magnetic modulations in the spin-frustrated  triangular lattice”, Physical review materials, 2018, 2, no 7, 074407.

64.  Nikola Novak, Florian Weyland, Satyanarayan Patel, Haibo Guo, Xiaoli Tan, Jürgen Rödel, Jurij Koruza, “Interplay of conventional with inverse electrocaloric response in  antiferroelectric materials”, Physical review. B, 2018, 97, 9, 094113.

65.  Andrej Zorko, Peter Jeglič, Matej Pregelj, Denis Arčon, Hubertus Luetkens, Andrei L. Tchougréeff, Richard Dronskowski, “Magnetic inhomogeneity in the copper pseudochalcogenide CuNCN”, Physical review. B, 2018, 97, 21, 214432.

66.  F Caracciolo, M. Mannini, G. Poneti Poneti, Matej Pregelj, Nejc Janša, Denis Arčon, Pietro Carretta, “Spin fluctuations in the light-induced high-spin state of cobalt valence tautomers”, Physical review. B, 2018, 98, 5, 054416.

67.  Matej Pregelj, Oksana Zaharko, U. Stuhr, Andrej Zorko, H. Berger, A. Prokofiev, Denis Arčon, “Coexisting spinons and magnons in the frustrated zigzag spin- chain compound “, Physical review. B, 2018, 98, 9, 094405.

68.  Erik Zupanič, Herman J. P. van Midden, Marion Van Miden, Sašo Šturm, Elena Tchernychova, Vadim Ya Pokrovskii, Sergey G. Zybtsev, Venera Nasretdinova, S. V. Zaitsev-Zotov, W. T. Chen, Woei Wu Pai, J. Craig Bennett, Albert Prodan, “Basic and charge density wave modulated structures of -II”, Physical review. B, 2018, 98, 17, 174113.

69.  C. Kyrou, Samo Kralj, M. Panagopoulou, Y. Raptis, George Nounesis, Ioannis Lelidis, “Impact of spherical nanoparticles on nematic order parameters”, Physical review. E, 2018, 97, 4, 042701.

70.  Tilen Koklič, Štefan Pintarič, Irena Zdovc, Majda Golob, Polona Umek, Alma Mehle, Martin Dobeic, Janez Štrancar, “Photocatalytic disinfection of surfaces with copper doped Ti02 nanotube coatings illuminated by ceiling mounted fluorescent light”, PloS one, 2018, 13, 5, e0197308.

71.  Tilen Koklič, Iztok Urbančič, Irena Zdovc, Majda Golob, Polona Umek, Zoran Arsov, Goran Dražić, Štefan Pintarič, Martin Dobeic, Janez Štrancar, “Surface deposited one-dimensional copper-doped Ti02 nanomaterials for prevention of health care acquired infections”, PloS one, 2018, 13, 7, e0201490.

72.  Pottathara Yasir Beeran, Vid Bobnar, Matjaž Finšgar, Yves Grohens, Sabu Thomas, Vanja Kokol, “Cellulose nanofibrils-reduced graphene oxide xerogels and cryogels for dielectric and electrochemical storage applications”, Polymer, 2018, 147, 260-270.

73.  Andraž Rešetič, Jerneja Milavec, Valentina Domenici, Blaž Zupančič, Alexej Bubnov, Boštjan Zalar, “Stress-strain and thermomechanical characterization of nematic to smectic A transition in a strongly-crosslinked bimesogenic liquid crystal elastomer”, Polymer, 2018, 158, 96-102.

74.  Igor Kocijančič, Jernej Vidmar, Marko Kastelic, “Dynamics of CT visible pleural effusion in patients with pulmonary infarction”, Radiology and oncology, 2018, 52, 3, 245-249.

75.  Nina Kostevšek, Samo Hudoklin, Mateja Erdani-Kreft, Igor Serša, Ana Sepe, Zvonko Jagličić, Jerneja Vidmar, Janez Ščančar, Sašo Šturm, Spomenka Kobe, Kristina Žužek Rožman, “Magnetic interactions and in vitro study of biocompatible hydrocaffeic acid-stabilized Fe-Pt clusters as MRI contrast agents”, RSC advances, 2018, 8, 26, 14694-14704.

76.  Pau Guillamat, Žiga Kos, Jérôme Hardoüin, Jordi Ignés-Mullol, Miha Ravnik, Francesc Sagués, “Active nematic emulsions”, Science advances, 2018, 4, eaao1470.

77.  Dae Seok Kim, Simon Čopar, Uroš Tkalec, Dong Ki Yoon, “Mosaics of topological defects in micropatterned liquid crystal textures”, Science advances, 2018, 4, eaau8064.

78.  Peter Adler et al. (13 authors), “Verwey-type charge ordering transition in an open-shell p-electron compound”, Science advances, 2018, 4, eaap7581.

79.  Jun-ichi Fukuda, Andriy Nych, Ulyana Ognysta, Slobodan Žumer, Igor Muševič, “Liquid-crystalline half-Skyrmion lattice spotted by Kossel diagrams”, Scientific reports, 2018, 8, 17234.

80.  Jeffrey Christopher Everts, Miha Ravnik, “Complex electric double layers in charged topological colloids”, Scientific reports, 2018, 8, 14119.

81.  Uroš Puc, Andreja Abina, Anton Jeglič, Aleksander Zidanšek, Irmantas Kašalynas, Rimvydas Venckevičius, Gintaras Valušis, “Spectroscopic analysis of melatonin in the terahertz frequency range”, Sensors, 2018, 18, 12, 4098.

82.  Nemanja Aničić, Marija Vukomanović, Tilen Koklič, Danilo Suvorov, “Fewer defects in the surface slows the hydrolysis rate, decreases the ROS generation potential, and improves the Non-ROS antimicrobial activity of MgO”, Small, 2018, 14, 26, 1800205.

83.  Mojca Vilfan, Natan Osterman, Andrej Vilfan, “Magnetically driven omnidirectional artificial microswimmers”, Soft matter, 2018, 14, 17, 3415-3422.

84.  S. Masoomeh Hashemi, Miha Ravnik, “Nematic colloidal knots in topological environments”, Soft matter, 2018, 14, 24, 4935-4945.

85.  Mitja Zidar, Drago Kuzman, Miha Ravnik, “Characterisation of protein aggregation with the Smoluchowski coagulation approach for use in biopharmaceuticals”, Soft matter, 2018, 14, 29, 6001-6012.

86.  Sergio Diez-Berart, Luana Tortora, Daniele Finotello, Blaž Zupančič, Boštjan Zalar, Lisa Green, Oleg D. Lavrentovich, “Order parameters and time evolution of mesophases in the lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal Sunset Yellow FCF by DNMR”, Soft matter, 2018, 14, 35, 7277-7286.

87.  Alexander Dubtsov, Sergey V. Pasechnik, Dina V. Shmeliova, Ayvr Sh. Saidgaziev, Ekaterina Gongadze, Aleš Iglič, Samo Kralj, “Liquid crystalline droplets in aqueous environments: electrostatic effects”, Soft matter, 2018, 14, 47, 9619-9630.

88.  Zoran Arsov, Iztok Urbančič, Janez Štrancar, “Aggregation-induced emission spectral shift as a measure of local concentration of a pH-activatable rhodamine-based smart probe”, Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy, 2018, 190, 486-493.

89.  Igor Serša, Franci Bajd, Monika Savarin, Tanja Jesenko, Maja Čemažar, Gregor Serša, “Multiparametric high-resolution MRI as a tool for mapping of hypoxic level in tumors”, Technology in cancer research and treatment, 2018, 17.

90.  Iztok Urbančič, Juliane Brun, Dilip Shrestha, Dominic Waithe, Christian Eggeling, Jakub Chojnacki, “Lipid composition but not curvature is the determinant factor for the low molecular mobility observed on the membrane of virus-like vesicles”, Viruses, 2018, 10, 8, 415.

Review Article

1.  Jayasri Dontabhaktuni, Miha Ravnik, Slobodan Žumer, “Quasicrystalline ordering in thin liquid crystal films”, Crystals, 2018, 8, 7, 275.

2.  Aleksander Matavž, Barbara Malič, “Inkjet printing of functional oxide nanostructures from solution-based inks”, Journal of sol-gel science and technology, 2018, 87, 1, 1-21.

3.  Luka Mesarec, Aleš Iglič, Samo Kralj, “In-plane membrane ordering and topological defects”, Nanomedicine & nanotechnology open access, 2018, 3, 1, 000134.

4.  Aleš Mohorič, “Polarni sij in Zemljino magnetno polje”, Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, 2018, 65, 1, 12-25,

5.  Vanessa Cresta, Giuseppe Romano, Alexej Kolpak, Boštjan Zalar, Valentina Domenici, “Nanostructured composites based on liquid-crystalline elastomers”, Polymers, 2018, 10, 7, 773.

Short Article

1.  Slobodan Žumer, “Elusive torque sensed by liquid crystals”, Nature: the international weekly journal of science, 2018, 564, 7736, 350-351.

2.  Aleš Mohorič, “Simple demonstration of phosphorescence in a fluorescent lamp by camera panning”, The Physics teacher, 2018, 56, 4, 260-261.