Published conference contributions

1. Bojan Cestnik, Andreja Abina, Rebeka Kovačič Lukman, Aleksander Zidanšek, “Expert system for systematic monitoring of sustainabilityrelated competences in higher education”, In: 16th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), 10‐15 October 2021, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2021.

2. Mitja Luštrek, Nina Reščič, Vito Janko, David Susič, Carlo De Masi, Aljoša Vodopija, Matej Marinko, Tea Tušar, Erik Dovgan, Matej Cigale, Anton Gradišek, Matjaž Gams, “Forecasting trends and optimizing the intervention plans against the COVID-19 pandemic: The XPRIZE competition and beyond”, In: IS 2021, Insieme Project Workshop, 5. October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Proceedings of the 24th International Multiconference Information Society, volume D, Institut “Jožef Stefan”, 2021, 52-55.

3. Zdenko Vuk, Jani Bizjak, Erik Dovgan, Matjaž Gams, Anton Gradišek, “An overview of the BATMAN platform”, In: IS 2021, BATMAN Project Workshop, 4. October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Proceedings of the 24th International Multiconference Information Society, volume J, Institut “Jožef Stefan”, 2021, 19-22.

4. Igor Muševič, Karthik Peddireddy, Maruša Mur, Khoa V. Le, Simon Čopar, Christian Bahr, Venkata Subba R. Jampani, “Self-shaping of liquid crystals into superstructures for photonic applications”, In: Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies XVI, 6‐12 March 2021, CA, USA, (Proceeding of SPIE 11707), SPIE, 2021, 117070f.

5. Igor Serša, “Electric current detection by T2* relaxivity change: A Feasibility Study”, In: EMBEC 2020, 8th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, 29 November‐3 December 2020, Portorož, Slovenia, Proceedings, Springer, 2021, 470-477.

6. Eva Klemenčič, Maja Trček, Zdravko Kutnjak, Samo Kralj, “Electrocaloric effect in smectic liquid crystals”, In: RII6, Development of industrial engineering: oportunities, potentials, challenges, Novo mesto, april 2021, Proceedings of reviewed papers, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, 2021, 52-58.

7. Lara Anja Lešnik Zupan, Jernej Vidmar, Peter Popović, “Pancreatic A-V malformation- a case report”, In: Slikovna diagnostika trebušne slinavke, marec 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenija, zbornik znanstvenih prispevkov, Katedra za radiologijo Ljubljana, Inštitut ERA, 2021, 30-36.

8. Nina Reščič et al. (12 authors), “Finding efficient intervention plans against Covid-19: second place at the XPRIZE Pandemic Response Challenge”, In: ETAI 2021, XV International Conference, September 23‐24 2021, Proceedings, (ETAI Megunarodna Konferencija 1 2), 2021, 139- 143.