Awards 2019

Dr Nych Andriy, Fukuda Jun-ichi, Ognysta Uliana, Prof. Žumer Slobodan, PhD, and Prof. Muševič Igor, PhD: award for the best paper published in 2018 in the field of liquid crystals, “Spontaneous formation and dynamics of half-skyrmions in a chiral liquid-crystal film”, Tsukuba, Ibaraki , Japan, The Japanese Liquid Crystal Society

Prof. Arčon Denis, PhD: The Žiga Zois Prize for outstanding scientific achievements in the field of quantum magnetism and unusual superconductivity, Ljubljana, awarded by the Republic of Slovenia

Gačnik Darja, MPhys: the award for the best oral presentation in the young scientists’ category, “Supercon-ductivity in Ti–Zr–Hf–(Sn,Ni,Nb) high-entropy alloys”, Dresden, Germany, European C-MetAC Days 2019

Dr Jelen Andreja: the award for the best poster, “Microstructure and magnetic properties of a single-crystalline FeCoCrMnAl high-entropy alloy”, Kranjska Gora, The 14th International Conference on Quasicrystals (ICQ14)

Dr Klanjšek Martin: The Blinc Award for Extraordinary One-time Achievements for proving the existence of unusual quasiparticles called anyons, Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana and Jožef Stefan Institute

Dr Koželj Primož: Golden Emblem Prize for his doctoral thesis with the highest impact in Slovenia and abroad, “Physical properties of high-entropy alloys and their Comparison to Complex Intermetallics”, Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute

Assoc. Prof. Ravnik Miha: Žiga Zois Award for outstanding achievements in the field of soft-matter physics, Ljubljana, awarded by the Republic of Slovenia

Dr Rožič Brigita: Fulbright grant for her excellent scientific and research work and congratulations of the President of the United States of America, Ljubljana, the US Embassy in Ljubljana as part of the Fulbright programme financed by the US government

Prof. Žumer Slobodan, PhD: Frederiks medal for outstanding achievements in the theory of liquid crystals and related materials awarded by the Russian Liquid Crystal Society at the 15th European Conference on Liquid Crystals, Wrocslaw, Poland