
Article in Science Advances

Article in Science Advances

Other news
27. November 2018

The article Mosaics of topological defects in micropatterned liquid crystal textures written by Dae Seok Kim and Dong Ki Yoon from the KAIST Institute in South Korea, Simon Čopar from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, and Uroš Tkalec, associate of the Condensed Matter Physics Department at the Jožef Stefan Institute, was published in the Science Advances journal. The article presents an experimental method of controlled creation of micropatterned topological defects in thin layers of nematic and smectic phases in liquid crystals using micropatterned surfaces. The created patterns are very robust, colourful and responsive to the changes in the thickness of the layer and the temperature. The patterns can cover several square centimetres of the surface, follow the symmetrical rules on topological charge conservation and look like ceramic or glass mosaics or stained glass patterns.

Review Article

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24. September 2018

   1.  Janez Dolinšek, “Electrical and thermal transport properties of icosahedral and decagonal quasicrystals”, Chem. Soc. rev., vol. 41, no. 20, pp. 6730-6744, 2012.

     2.  Janez Dolinšek, Zvonko Jagličić, “Spin-glass properties of quasicrystals and complex metallic alloys”, J. anal. sci. technol., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 1-41, 2012.

     3.  Janez Seliger, Veselko Žagar, “New methods for detection of  NQR frequencies”, Appl. magn. reson., vol. 43, iss. 4, pp. 469-484, 2012.

Dr. Posnjak’s doctoral thesis published by Springer

Dr. Posnjak’s doctoral thesis published by Springer

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21. September 2018

Monograph Topological formations in chiral nematic droplets written by Gregor Posnjak from the F5 Department has been published by Springer. The book was published in the Springer Theses series, which focuses on dissemination of outstanding and relevant doctoral theses. Dr. Posnjak’s theses, which he defended in 2017 at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Univeristy of Ljubljana under the mentorship of prof. dr. Igor Muševič, discusses complex structures of chiral nematic liquid crystals. In his theses, Dr. Posnjak reported the first observation of topological point defects with higher topological charges q = −2 and q = −3 and developed a new  augmented fluorescent confocal polarising microscopy method for reconstruction of director fields in experimental conditions.

Published Conference Contribution

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17. September 2018

1.  Anton Gradišek, Miha Mlakar, Matej Cigale, Luka Lajovic, Mitja Luštrek, Maroje Sorić, Gregor Starc, Bojan Leskošek, Gregor Jurak, “Physical fitness forecasting and risk estimation in slovenian schoolchildren”, In: Arie Hasman (ed.), Data, informatics and technology: an inspiration for improved healthcare, ICIMTH 2018, [International Conference on Informatics, Management and Technology in Healthcare, 6-8 July 2018 in Athens, Greece], (Studies in health technology and informatics 251) 2018, 125-128.

2.  Matej Cigale, Anton Gradišek, Miha Mlakar, Mitja Luštrek, “Forecasting the physical fitness and all-cause mortality based of schoolchildren’s fitness measurements”, In: Matjaž Gams (ed.), Aleš Tavčar (ed.), Workshop Electronic and mobile health and smart cities: proceedings of the 21st International Multiconference Information Society – IS 2018, 8-12 October, 2018, [Ljubljana, Slovenia]: volume I, 2018, 69-72.

3.  Anton Gradišek, Martin Gjoreski, Borut Budna, Monika Simjanoska, Matjaž Gams, Gregor Poglajen, “Zaznavanje srčnega popuščanja z analizo srčnih tonov”, In: Matjaž Gams (ed.), Aleš Tavčar (ed.), Workshop Electronic and mobile health and smart cities: proceedings of the 21st International Multiconference Information Society – IS 2018, 8-12 October, 2018, [Ljubljana, Slovenia]: volume I, 2018, 32-34.

4.  Mitja Gliha, Andreja Abina, Uroš Puc, Aleksander Zidanšek, “Wide frequency ground penetrating radar for non-destructive inspection of building”, In: Marko Ban (ed.), Digital proceedings, 3rd Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, June 30 – July 4, 2018, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2018, 0239.… Read the rest “Published Conference Contribution”

Independent Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph

Other news
6. August 2018

1.  Andrej Ferlež, Boris Petrič, Maja Ovsenik, Luka Prodnik, Jernej Vidmar, Ksenija Cankar, Lidija Nemeth, “Magnetno resonančno slikanje odziva zobne pulpe na ortodontske premike zob: prikaz primera”, In: Maja Ovsenik (ed.), Jasmina Primožič (ed.), 20 let raziskovalnega in strokovnega dela: zbornik: Zavod Orthos, 2018, 308-315.

2.  Janez Dolinšek, “Electronic transport properties of complex intermetallics”, In: Peter Gille (ed.), Yuri Grin (ed.), Crystal growth of intermetallics, 2018,  260-278.

3.  Denis Arčon, I. Heinmaa, R. Stern, “Low-temperature NMR: techniques and applications”, In: Paul Hodgkinson (ed.), Modern methods in solid-state NMR: a practioner’s guide, (New developments in NMR 15) 2018, 231-261.

4.  Ivan Sedmak, Iztok Urbančič, Janez Štrancar, Michel Mortier, Iztok Golobič, “High-Resolution thermal imaging based on the fluorescence of Erbium/Ytterbium co-doped ceramic”, V: Sergey Y. Yurish (ed.), Physical sensors, sensor networks and remote sensing, (Advances in sensors: Reviews 5) 2018, 325-338.

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