
Independent Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph

Other news
7. October 2017

 1.  Igor Muševič, “Solid microparticles in nematic liquid crystals”, In: Liquid crystals with nano and microparticles, (Series in soft condensed matter, 7), Jan P. F. Lagerwall, ed., Giusy Scalia, ed., New Jersey [etc.], World Scientific, cop. 2017, 1, 323-360. [COBISS.SI-ID 30110247]

     2.  Miha Škarabot, “Manipulation of inclusions with optical tweezers”, In: Liquid crystals with nano and microparticles, (Series in soft condensed matter, 7), Jan P. F. Lagerwall, ed., Giusy Scalia, ed., New Jersey [etc.], World Scientific, cop. 2017, 1, 277-293. [COBISS.SI-ID 30105895]

     3.  Andrej Zorko, Matej Pregelj, Denis Arčon, “Modern electron paramagnetic resonance techniques and their application to magnetic systems”, In: Handbook of solid state chemistry. Volume 3, Characterization, Richard Dronskowski, ed., Shinichi Kikkawa, ed., Andreas Stein, ed., Weinheim, Wiley-VCH, 2017, 279-309. [COBISS.SI-ID 30785575]

Scientific Monograph

Other news
6. October 2017

1.  Borut Jereb, Asta Gregorič, Ana Vovk Korže, Griša Močnik, Nina Sterle Mašat, Špela Kovše, Luka Herman, Iris Čeh, Teja Bezgovšek, Nastja Brezovšek, Tanja Batkovič, Black bicycle: kolesarske poti ob vpadnici v Celje: študentski projekt Po kreativni poti do znanja 2017, 1. elektronska izd., Celje, Fakulteta za logistiko, 2017. [COBISS.SI-ID 291714816]

     2.  Igor Muševič, Liquid crystal colloids, (Soft and biological matter), Cham, Springer, cop. 2017. [COBISS.SI-ID 3100260]

University, Higher Education or Higher Vocational Education Textbook

Other news
5. October 2017

1.  Andrej Zorko, Miha Nemevšek, Nejc Košnik, Matic Lubej, Zbirka rešenih nalog iz moderne fizike, Ljubljana: DMFA – založništvo, (Zbirka izbranih poglavij iz fizike 55) 2018.

Other Educational Materials

Other news
4. October 2017


   1.  Miha Ravnik, Selected experience with applying for EU funding, Ljubljana, Faculty of mathematics and Physics, Jozef Stefan Institute, 2017. [COBISS.SI-ID 3084132]

     2.  Brigita Rožič, New heat-management technologies based on the caloric materials, Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, 2017. [COBISS.SI-ID 30587175]

Patent Application

Other news
3. October 2017

1.  Andrej Petelin, Igor Muševič, Two mode electro-optic filter, WO2017117570 (A1), WIPO International Bureau, 7 July 2017. [COBISS.SI-ID 31235879]

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