

Other news
2. October 2017

 1.  Barbara Malič, Hana Uršič, Marija Kosec, Silvo Drnovšek, Jena Cilenšek, Zdravko Kutnjak, Brigita Rožič, Uroš Flisar, Andrej Kitanovski, Marko Ožbolt, Uroš Plaznik, Alojz Poredoš, Urban Tomc, Jaka Tušek, Method for electrocaloric energy conversion, EP3027980 (B1), European Patent Office, 18 October 2017. [COBISS.SI-ID 29642791]

     2.  Luka Drinovec, Griša Močnik, Anthony D. A. Hansen, Method and apparatus for the analysis of materials,US9671324 (B2), US Patent and Trademark Office, 6 June 2017. [COBISS.SI-ID 30563623]

     3.  Griša Močnik, Anthony D. A. Hansen, Jeffrey R. Blair, Method for automatic performance diagnosis and calibration of a photometric particle analyzer, US9804082 (B2), US Patent Office, 6 June 2017. [COBISS.SI-ID 29013799]


Other news
1. October 2017

1.  Slavko Buček, Histerezno obnašanje Lebwohl-Lasherjevih rotorjev: doctoral dissertation, Maribor, 2017 (mentor Samo Kralj). [COBISS.SI-ID 290366976]

     2.  Miha Čančula, Medsebojno sklopljena tok svetlobe in ureditev tekočega kristala: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2017 (mentor Slobodan Žumer; somentor Miha Ravnik). [COBISS.SI-ID 3061860]

     3.  Primož Koželj, Fizikalne lastnosti visokoentropijskih kovinskih zlitin in primerjava s kompleksnimi medkovinskimi spojinami: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2017 (mentor Janez Dolinšek). [COBISS.SI-ID 3081316]

     4.  Ahmed Kreta, Nanoskopska študija korozijske dinamike in lastnosti protikorozijskih prevlek na bakru in aluminijevih zlitinah: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2017 (mentor Igor Muševič). [COBISS.SI-ID 292585728]

     5.  Mitja Krnel, Intermetalne spojine s katalitskimi lastnostmi v sistemih Ga-Pd in Cu-Gd-Ca: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2017 (mentor Janez Dolinšek). [COBISS.SI-ID 3082340]

     6.  Šárka Perutková, Vloga anizotropije membranskih gradnikov na elastomehanske lastnosti močno ukrivljenih lipidnih membran: doctoral dissertation, Maribor, 2017 (mentor Veronika Kralj-Iglič; co-mentor Samo Kralj). [COBISS.SI-ID 23112200]

     7.  Gregor Posnjak, Topološke formacije v kiralnih nematskih kapljicah: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2017 (mentor Igor Muševič). [COBISS.SI-ID 3091556]

     8.  Maja Trček, Stabilizacija faz TGB z nanodelci in elektrokalorični pojav v tekočih kristalih: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2017 (mentor Zdravko Kutnjak; co-mentor Samo Kralj). [COBISS.SI-ID 3086692]

     9.  Jure Varlec, Simuliranje adsorpcije vode v mikroporoznih aluminofosfatih: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2017 (mentor Gregor Mali; co-mentor Janez Dolinšek). [COBISS.SI-ID 3095652]

  10.  Mojca Žlahtič Zupanc, Vpliv izbranih okoljskih dejavnikov na dinamiko vlaženja lesa: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2017 (mentor Miha Humar; co-mentor Igor Serša).… Read the rest “Mentoring”

Liquids 2017

Liquids 2017

Other news
17. July 2017

The Liquids 2017 conference, organised by the »Jožef Stefan« Institute and the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Ljubljana, was held form 17 to 21 July in Ljubljana. The largest liquid matter science event of this year brought together more than 600 experts on liquids, foams, polymers, colloids, glasses, active systems and biomaterials from the greatest institutions in the world. Two prestigious awards were also awarded at the comference to two leading global scientists: »Liquid Matter Prize« to prof. Jacobu Kleinu (Weizmann Institute of Science, Izrael) and the »Pierre-Gilles de Gennes lecutre« to prof. Raminu Golestanianu (University of Oxford, VB).

Third Conference of young researchers and students

Third Conference of young researchers and students

Other news
4. July 2017

On 4 July 2017, the third Conference of young researchers and students was held at the “Jožef Stefan Institute”, under the honorary patronage of academician Tadej Bajd, president of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. In the morning, the present ministers and the hosts stressed the importance of circulation of knowledge, ideas and practices among the young in Slovenia, across the borders and abroad. Then Matjaž Humer from the Deparment of Condensed Matter Physics and Igor D. Gregorič, cardiovascular surgeon who has been operating in the USA for the last 30 years, presented their career paths as an inspiration for future generations. In the afternoon, numerous participants talked about topics such as a successful career path as a challenge for the next generation, the opportunity presented by exchanges, the challenge of finding employment for young Slovenes abroad and networking of young Slovene researchers.

Paper in ACS Nano

Paper in ACS Nano

Other news
22. June 2017

Brigite Rožič, associate of the Department of Condensed Matter Physics, published a paper titled Oriented Gold Nanorods and Gold Nanorod Chains within Smectic Liquid Crystal Topological Defects  in the renown scientific journal ACS Nano. Gold nanorods attracted a lot of interest thanks to their unique optical characteristics based on the localised surface plasmonic resonance and to the many options for their application. However, for maximum efficiency, gold nanorods must be well ordered. B. Rožič, in collaboration with scientists form France, Germany and the USA, was among the first to prove that smectic liquid-crystal defects can be used to organise gold nanorods of different sizes into ordered superstructures and create a new efficient plasmonic system. This even more options for application of gold nanorods  for example in optics and photonics.

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