
Published Conference Contributions (invited lecture)

Other news
8. October 2014
  • 1.  Saša Baumgartner, Petra Kocbek, Julijana Kristl, Tanja Potrč, Urška Mikac, Ana Sepe, Romana Rošic, Jan Pelipenko, Marija Bešter-Rogač, “Physicochemical characteristics of polymer based drug delivery systems: the influence on formulation process and on drug release”, In: 17th International Pharmaceutical Technology Symposium, September 8-10, 2014, the Marmara Hotel, Antalya//Turkey: Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology: Innovations, Therapeutic Possibilities, Technological Challenges: Current Status, Future Direction and Regulatory Aspects of Biotechnology and Biosimilar Products, Dry Powder Inhalers, Medical Devices & CE Authorization: [abstract book] , [S. l., s. n.], 2014, pp. 34-37.
  •      2.  Igor Muševič, Huang Peng, Maryam Nikkhou, Matjaž Humar, “Self-assembled liquid-crystal microlasers, microresonators and microfibres”, In: Laser resonators, microresonators, and beam control XVI: 3-6 February 2014, San Francisco, California, United States, (Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 8960), Alexis Kudryashov, ed., Bellingham, SPIE, 2014, pp. 896016-1-896016-14.
  •      3.  Karthik Peddireddy, Venkata Subba R. Jampani, Stephan Herminghaus, Christian Bahr, Maruša Vitek, Igor Muševič, “Lasing and waveguiding in smectic a liquid crystal optical fibers”, In: Liquid crystals XVIII: 17-20 August 2014, San Diego, California, United States, (Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 9182), Iam-Choon Khoo, ed., Bellingham, SPIE, 2014, pp. 91820Y-1-91820Y-9.
  •      4.  Samo Penič, Luka Mesarec, Miha Fošnarič, Veronika Kralj-Iglič, Samo Kralj, Wojciech Góźdź, Aleš Iglič, “Modeling of closed membrane shapes”, In: Challenges of nanoscale science: theory, materials, applications, (Journal of physics, Conference Series, vol.
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    Published Conference Contribution

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    7. October 2014
  •  1.  Boris Aberšek, Samo Kralj, Jože Flašker, “Principle of universality in crack incubation and propagation”, In: Advances in fracture and damage mechanics XII: selected, peer reviewed papers from the 12th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics (FDM 2013), September 17-19, 2013, Sardinia, Italy, (Key engineering materials, Vols. 577-578), 12th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics (FDM 2013), September 17-19, 2013, Sardinia, Italy, Alberto Milazzo, ed., M. H. Aliabadi, ed., Zurich, Trans Tech Publications, cop. 2014, vols. 577-578, pp. 29-32, cop. 2014.
  •      2.  Goran Casar, Xinyu Li, Barbara Malič, Qiming M. Zhang, Vid Bobnar, “Tailoring relaxor dielectric response by blending P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) terpolymer with a ferroelectric P(VDF-TrFE) copolymer”, In: Zbornik: 1. del: part 1, 6. študentska konferenca Mednarodne podiplomske šole Jožefa Stefan = 6th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students’ Conference, 20.-22. 05. 2014, Ljubljana, Nejc Trdin, ed., et al, Ljubljana, Mednarodna podiplomska šola Jožefa Stefana, 2014, pp. 215-224.
  •      3.  Anton Gradišek, Jože Luzar, Janez Lužnik, Tomaž Apih, “NMR-based liquid explosives detector: Advantages and disadvantages of different configurations”, In: Magnetic resonance detection of explosives and illicit materials, (NATO science for peace and security series, B, Physics and biophysics), Tomaž Apih, ed., Dordrecht, Springer, 2014, pp. 123-135.
  •      4.  Anton Gradišek, Maja Somrak, Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, “Qualcomm tricorder XPRIZE: a review”, In: Inteligentni sistemi: zbornik 17.
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    Independent Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph

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    6. October 2014
  •   1.  Zdravko Kutnjak, Brigita Rožič, “Indirect and direct measurements of the electrocaloric effect”, In: Electrocaloric materials: new generation of coolers, (Engineering materials, vol. 34), Tatiana Correia, ed., Heidelberg, Berlin, Springer, cop. 2014, pp. 125-146.
  •      2.  Rene Markovič, Marko Gosak, Robert Repnik, Samo Kralj, Marko Marhl, “Defects in planar cell polarity of epithelium: what can we learn from liquid crystals?”, In: Advances in planar lipid bilayers and liposomes, (Advances in planar lipid bilayers and liposomes, vol. 20), Aleš Iglič, ed., Chandrashekhar Kulkarni, ed., Amsterdam [etc.], Elsevier, Academic Press, cop. 2014, pp. 197-217.
  •      3.  Igor Muševič, “Colloid crystals in nematic liquid crystals”, In: Handbook of liquid crystals. Vol. 6, Nanostructured and amphiphilic liquid crystals, J. W. Goodby, ed., 2nd, completely revised and greatly enlarged ed., Weinheim, Wiley-VCH, cop. 2014, pp. 161-191.
  •      4.  Miha Ravnik, Slobodan Žumer, “Nematic and chiral nematic liquid crystals in confined geometries: elementary background with selected examples”, In: Handbook of liquid crystals. Vol. 6, Nanostructured and amphiphilic liquid crystals, J. W. Goodby, ed., 2nd, completely revised and greatly enlarged ed., Weinheim, Wiley-VCH, cop. 2014, pp. 139-160.
  • University, Higher Education or Higher Vocational Education Textbook

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    4. October 2014

    1.  Rudolf Podgornik, Andrej Vilfan, Elektromagnetno polje, (Matematika – fizika, 51), 1. ponatis, Ljubljana, DMFA – založništvo, 2014.Secondary and Primary School Textbook or Other Textbook

         1.  Vito Babič, Ruben Belina, Mojca Čepič, Iztok Kukman, Aleš Mohorič, Gorazd Planinšič, Anton Ramšak, Ivica Tomić, Miro Trampuš, Miran Tratnik, Aleš Drolc (urednik), Joži Trkov (urednik), Fizika, Zbirka maturitetnih nalog z rešitvami 2004-2009, (Maturitetni izpiti), 2. ponatis, Ljubljana, Državni izpitni center, 2014.

         2.  Aleš Mohorič, Vito Babič, Fizika 1: učbenik za fiziko v 1. letniku gimnazij in štiriletnih strokovnih šol, 1. izd., Ljubljana, Mladinska knjiga, 2014.

         3.  Aleš Mohorič, Vito Babič, Fizika 2: učbenik za fiziko v 2. letniku gimnazij in štiriletnih strokovnih šol, 1. ponatis, Ljubljana, Mladinska knjiga, 2014.

         4.  Aleš Mohorič, Vito Babič, Fizika 3: učbenik za fiziko v 3. letniku gimnazij in štiriletnih strokovnih šol, 1. izd., Ljubljana, Mladinska knjiga, 2014.

    Patent Application

    Other news
    2. October 2014

     1.  Denis Arčon, Anton Potočnik, Method and device for mineral melt stream manipulation, PCT/SI2014/000068, Slovenian Intellectual Property Office, 26.11.2014.

         2.  Maja Remškar, Janez Jelenc, Andrej Kržan, Fluoro-polymer composites with adjusted friction properties, PCT/SI2014/000052, Slovenian Intellectual Property Office, 19.9.2014.

         3.  Andraž Rešetič, Jerneja Milavec, Blaž Zupančič, Boštjan Zalar, Polymer dispersed liquid crystal elastomers (PDLCE), GB1404746.8, Intellectual Property Office, 17.3.2014.Mentoring

         1.  Nina Bizjak, A study of the impact of different bio-chemo-mechanical factors on the course of thrombolysis using optical and magnetic resonance microscopy: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2014 (mentor Igor Serša; co-mentor Aleš Blinc).

         2.  Selestina Gorgieva, Effect of gelatine scaffolds fabrication as polypropylene mesh coat on implant biocompatibility: doctoral dissertation, Maribor, 2014 (mentor Vanja Kokol; co-mentor Janez Štrancar).

         3.  Amid Ranjkesh Siahkal, Stability and metastability of nematic glasses: doctoral dissertation, Maribor, 2014 (mentor Samo Kralj; co-mentor Milan Ambrožič).

         4.  Erik Čuk, Intelligent system for recognition of erythema migrans: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2014 (mentor Jurij F. Tasič; co-mentor Matjaž Gams).

         5.  Simon Jazbec, Physical properties of dodecagonal quasicrystals, their approximants and comparison with icosahedral and decagonal quasicrystals: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2014 (mentor Janez Dolinšek).

         6.  Jana Milenković, Computer-aided analysis of soft tissues in medical images: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2014 (mentor Jurij F. Tasič).

         7. … Read the rest “Patent Application”

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