

Other news
2. October 2013

  1.  Janez Pirš, Matej Bažec, Silvija Pirš, Bojan Marin, Bernarda Urankar, Dušan Ponikvar, Variable contrast, wide viewing angle LCD light-switching filter, US8542334 (B2), US Patent Office, 24.9.2013.

     2.  S. G. Psakhie, Volia Isaevich Itin, D. A. Magajeva, O. G. Terehova, E. P. Najden, Olga Vasiljeva, Georgij Mihajlov Andrejevič, Urška Mikac, Boris Turk, Contrast agent for T1 and/or T2 magnetic resonant scanning and method for preparing it, RU2471502 (C1), Federalʼnaja služba po intellektualʼnʼnoj soʼstvennosti, 10.1.2013.

     3.  Maja Remškar, Marko Viršek, Miha Kocmur, Adolf Jesih, Procedure for synthesis of threadlike tungsten oxide W5O14, US8496907 (B2), US Patent Office, 30.7.2013.

  • Mentoring

    Other news
    1. October 2013

    1.  Franci Bajd, The influence of blood flow on formation and dissolution of blood clots: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2013 (mentor Igor Serša).

         2.  Matej Cvetko, Influence of anizotropic nanoparticles on orientational order of liquid crystals: doctoral dissertation, Maribor, 2013 (mentor Samo Kralj; co-mentor Milan Ambrožič).

         3.  Venkata Subba R. Jampani, Chiral nematic colloidal interactions and photonic properties of nematic colloids: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2013 (mentor Igor Muševič).

         4.  Dalija Jesenek, Phase and structural behavior of effectively two-dimensional liquid crystals: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2013 (mentor Samo Kralj).

         5.  Janez Kogovšek, Tribological effects of nanoparticles in lubricants: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2013 (mentor Mitjan Kalin; co-mentor Maja Remškar).

         6.  Gašper Kokot, Measuring forces with magneto-optical tweezers in biological and biomimetic systems: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2013 (mentor Andrej Vilfan).

         7.  David Lukman, Gripper for objects in micro- and nano-scale: doctoral dissertation, Maribor, 2013 (mentor Riko Šafarič; co-mentor Maja Remškar).

         8.  Nikola Novak, Study of polar ordering in ordered and partial disordered ferroelectric systems: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2013 (mentor Zdravko Kutnjak).

         9.  Tine Porenta, Flexo-electric and optic field effects on confined chiral and achiral nematic ordering: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2013 (mentor Slobodan Žumer).

      10.  Anton Potočnik, Magnetic resonance of molecular superconductors bordering the antiferromagnetic Mott-insulating state: doctoral dissertation, Ljubljana, 2013 (mentor Denis Arčon).… Read the rest “Mentoring”

    Original Scientific Article

    Other news
    7. November 2012

     1.  Gerardo Abbandonato, Donata Catalano, Valentina Domenici, Boštjan Zalar, ” NMR orientational study of a probe dissolved in nematic solution and, used as crosslinker, in a liquid crystalline elastomer”, Liq. cryst., vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 165-174, 2012.

         2.  Tetsuo Asaji, Joshiharu Ito, Janez Seliger, Veselko Žagar, Anton Gradišek, Tomaž Apih, “Phase transition and ring-Puckering motion in a metal organic perovskite “, J. phys. chem., A Mol. spectrosc. kinet. environ. gen. theory, vol. 116, no. 51, pp. 12422-12428, 2012.

         3.  Franci Bajd, Matej Kranjc, Damijan Miklavčič, Igor Serša, “Current density imaging during tissue electroporation”, Pril. – Maked. akad. nauk. umet., Odd. biol. med. nauki, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 367-372.

         4.  Franci Bajd, Igor Serša, “A concept of thrombolysis as a corrosion-erosion process verified by optical microscopy”, Microcirc. (N.Y. N.Y. 1994), vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 632-641, 2012.

         5.  Franci Bajd, Jernej Vidmar, Aleš Blinc, Igor Serša, “Analysis of blood clot degradation fragment sizes in relation to plasma flow velocity”, Gen. physiol. biophys., vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 237-245, 2012.

         6.  Franci Bajd, Jernej Vidmar, Andrej Fabjan, Aleš Blinc, Eduard Kralj, Nina Bizjak, Igor Serša, “Impact of altered venous hemodynamic conditions on the formation of platelet layers in thromboemboli”, Thromb.… Read the rest “Original Scientific Article”

    Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph

    Other news
    7. November 2012

       1.  Špela Irman, Miha Škarabot, Igor Muševič, Borut Božič, “Protein interactions on phospholipid bilayer, studied by AFM under physiological conditions”, In: Atomic Force Microscopy, Christopher L. Frewin, ed., Rijeka, InTech, 2012, pp. 123-152.

         2.  Maja Remškar, “Inorganic nanotubes beyond cylindrical matter”, In: Comprehensive nanoscience and technology, David L. Adrews, ed., Gregory D. Scholes, ed., Gary Phillip Wiederrecht, ed., London, Elsevier, cop. 2011, zv. 1, pp. 315-333.

         3.  Marko Tkalčič, Jurij F. Tasič, Andrej Košir, “The need for affective metadata in content-based recommender systems for images”, In: Multimedia information extraction: advances in video, audio, and imagery analysis for search, data mining, surveillance, and authoring, Mark T. Maybury, ed., Los Alamitos, IEEE Computer Society, Hoboken, Wiley, cop. 2012, pp. 305-319.

    Published Scientific Conference Contribution

    Other news
    7. November 2012

     1.  Andreja Abina, Uroš Puc, David Heath, Uroš Puc, Aleksander Zidanšek, “Spectroscopic THz imaging using organic DSTMS (4-N,N-dimethylamino-4′-N’-methyl-stilbazolium 2,4, 6-trimethylbenzesulfonate) crystals”, In: Zbornik, 4. študentska konferenca Mednarodne podiplomske šole Jožefa Stefana = 4th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students Conference, 25. maj 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenija, Dejan Petelin, ed., Aleš Tavčar, ed., Boštjan Kaluža, ed., Ljubljana, Mednarodna podiplomska šola Jožefa Stefana, 2012, pp. 197-203.

         2.  Andreja Abina, Uroš Puc, Anton Jeglič, Pavel Cevc, Aleksander Zidanšek, “Terrestrial and underwater pollution monitoring using high-resolution electromagnetic sensors”, In: Conference proceedings, 7 th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, July 1-7,2012, Marko Ban, ed., [S. l., s. n.], 2012, 10 pp.

         3.  Goran Casar, Andreja Eršte, Sebastjan Glinšek, X. Li, X. Qian, Q. M. Zhang, Vid Bobnar, “Tailoring electrically induced properties by stretching relaxor”, In: Zbornik, 4. študentska konferenca Mednarodne podiplomske šole Jožefa Stefana = 4th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students Conference, 25. maj 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenija, Dejan Petelin, ed., Aleš Tavčar, ed., Boštjan Kaluža, ed., Ljubljana, Mednarodna podiplomska šola Jožefa Stefana, 2012, pp. 210-215.

         4.  Martin Dobeic, Štefan Pintarič, Irena Zdovc, Janez Štrancar, “Naše iskustvo pri praktičnoj primeni nanomaterijala za dezinfekciju površina”, In: Zbornik radova, 23.… Read the rest “Published Scientific Conference Contribution”

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