
Article in Nature Communications

Article in Nature Communications

Featured news
9. November 2023

Andrej Vilfan from the Department of Condensed Matter Physics F5 and colleagues from Germany and Great Britain have published an article in the journal Nature Communications with the title Minimum entropy production by microswimmers with internal dissipation.We derive a general theorem for the minimum dissipation needed by a microswimmer in a viscous fluid, taking into account both external and internal dissipation. The theorem allows us to express a lower bound on dissipation with the drag coefficients of two bodies of the same shape as the swimmer, but with different boundary conditions. Our results show that the entropy production by active microswimmers is subject to different fundamental limits than the entropy production by externally driven particles.

Expert meeting F5

Expert meeting F5

Featured news
25. October 2023

On Friday, October 6, 2023, the second Expert meeting F5 took place at the Slovene Ethnographic Museum in Ljubljana. This year’s discussions were centered on the new laboratories and experimental techniques being established in the Department of Condensed Matter Physics F5. Colleagues prepared a series of informative lectures that, in contrast to the norm, shifted the focus away from the physics content of research. Instead, they emphasized various measurement techniques, improvements in measurement instrumentation, the advantages and disadvantages of the new experimental methods being developed in individual laboratories, and their underlying physical principles.

The presentations covered a range of topics, including adiabatic calorimetry, the utilization of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamonds, the application of neural networks to address physical problems, enhancements in scanning electron microscopy, 3D printing using two-photon polymerization, and the in-house construction of a polarimeter for analysing light polarization. Additionally, there was a presentation on the European SiQUID project, in which the Ultracool Lab is actively involved.

The Department of Condensed Matter Physics F5 is quite extensive, and crafting a lecture that appeals to physicists with diverse interests can be a significant challenge. Nevertheless, this year’s Expert meeting F5 demonstrated that diversity can be an advantage. It enables the transfer of knowledge between different fields and promotes collaboration in the application of various experimental methods, even in unexpected areas.

Assist. Prof. Matjaž Humar, PhD received the Uroš Seljak, PhD award for his mentorship

Assist. Prof. Matjaž Humar, PhD received the Uroš Seljak, PhD award for his mentorship

Awards and recognitions
16. October 2023

On October 4, 2023, the Uroš Seljak, PhD awards and accolades for best scientific articles by students were granted for the second time at the University of Ljubljana. The awards were presented by the Rector of the University of Ljubljana Prof. Gregor Majdič, PhD, the donor Prof. Uroš Seljak, PhD, and the American-Slovenian Educational Foundation (ASEF). The awards and accolades from Prof. Uroš Seljak,  PhD, of which three were presented this year, are intended to promote and support the scientific publications of students in first and second-degree study programs and to encourage mentorship of students in the Republic of Slovenia. Among the recipients of the award was Miha Papič for his published scientific work titled “Topological liquid crystal superstructures as structured light lasers.” He conducted his research at the Jožef Stefan Institute at the Department of Condensed Matter Physics F-5. His mentor, Assist. Prof. Matjaž Humar, PhD the head of the Laboratory for bio-integrated photonics and soft photonics, also received a plaque for his mentorship.

Article in Ceramics International

Article in Ceramics International

Other news
25. September 2023

Matej Pregelj from the Department of Condensed Matter Physics F-5, in collaboration with colleagues from the Department of Thin Films and Surfaces and other researchers from Slovenia and Serbia, published the article Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy at room-temperature in sputtered a-Si/Ni/a-Si layered structure with thick Ni (nickel) layers. In the article, they presented a detailed study of nanometer Si/Ni/Si layers, where perpendicular magnetic anisotropy was observed. It is one of the first observations of this property in Si/Ni/Si layers and thus opens up possibilities for the use of such layers in memory units, sensors, logic chips, etc.

Article in Journal of Physics: Energy

Article in Journal of Physics: Energy

Other news
25. September 2023

Dr. Dejvid Črešnar, Nikita Derets, Dr. Andraž Rešetič, Dr. Marta Lavrič, Prof. Dr. Boštjan Zalar, prof. Dr. Samo Kralj, Prof. Dr. Zdravko Kutnjak, Assist. Prof. Dr. Brigita Rožič from the Department of Condensed Matter Physics F5, former colleague of the Department of Condensed Matter Physics F-5 Dr. Maja Trček, and colleagues Assist. Prof. Dr. Gregor Skačej, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, and Prof. Dr. Valentina Domenici, Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, University of Pisa, Italy, have, on the invitation (to Rožič) of Editors Prof. Dr. N. Mathur and Prof. Dr. X. Moya from the University of Cambridge, published an article entitled Caloric effects in liquid crystal-based soft materialsin a special issue of the Journal of Physics: Energy (IF=7.5) dedicated to caloric materials. In the mentioned article, the authors presented their latest research results of very large caloric responses observed in soft materials such as liquid crystals (TK) and liquid crystal elastomers (TKE). Through direct measurements, they showed that the size of the electrocaloric phenomenon in TK could exceed 8.3 K at a relatively small change in the electric field of 30 kV/cm and the existence of a record high elastocaloric responsivity of 24.2K/MPa in TKE.

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