
Article in Physical Review X

Article in Physical Review X

Featured news
12. January 2024

The researchers Zala Korenjak and Asst. Prof. Matjaž Humar from the Laboratory for Bio-integrated Photonics, Department of Condensed Matter Physics at the Jožef Stefan Institute have published a paper in Physical Review X entitled Smectic and soap bubble optofluidic lasers. In the paper, they demonstrated for the first time that smectic and soap bubbles can be used as lasers. They doped the bubbles with a fluorescent dye and pumped them with an external laser to induce whispering gallery mode optical lasing. Bubbles made of smectic liquid crystals have a very thin and uniform wall and are extremely stable. Shifts in lasing wavelengths in the spectrum of the emitted light, which contained hundreds of regularly spaced sharp peaks, enabled the measurement of subtle size changes of just ten nanometers in a millimeter-sized bubble. This incredible precision allowed the bubbles to be used as one of the best pressure and electric field sensors developed to date. This unique physical system may in the future allow the study of novel optical and mechanical phenomena in thin films. Matjaž and Zala presented the research in video.

Article in Liquid Crystals

Article in Liquid Crystals

Other news
14. November 2023

George Cordoyiannis from the Department of Condensed Matter Physics F5 and colleagues from KU Leuven (Belgium) have published an invited review article Review of high-resolution calorimetric studies of cyanoalkylbiphenyl and cyanoalkoxybiphenyl liquid crystals and related compounds in Liquid Crystals for the 50 years anniversary from the discovery of the important family of cyanobiphenyl compounds. This review gives an overview of different calorimetric methods and highlights important high-resolution calorimetry measurements on these compounds over the last 50 years.

Article in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Article in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Featured news
9. November 2023

Andrej Vilfan from the Department of Condensed Matter Physics F5 and colleagues from Germany and Great Britain have published an article in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences with the title Nonreciprocal interactions give rise to fast ciliumsynchronization in finite systems. Motile cilia are hairlike organelles that, at sufficient density, can synchronize hydrodynamically with their neighbors to form a metachronal wave. We use a minimal model of a ciliary carpet that accounts for near-field hydrodynamic coupling between cilia and show that the interaction between cilia can be nonreciprocal. The collective dynamics of an array of cilia is therefore characterized by three different velocities and their directions: the direction of fluid transport, the direction of metachronal waves (phase velocity), and the direction of order propagation (group velocity). The latter determines the time scale of synchronization. Near-field nonreciprocal interactions can therefore give rise to rapid emergence of metachronal waves.

Article in Physical Review Letters

Article in Physical Review Letters

Other news
9. November 2023

Andrej Vilfan from the Department of Condensed Matter Physics F5 and colleagues from Germany and Great Britain have published an article in the journal Physical Review Letters with the title Lorentz Reciprocal Theorem in Fluids with Odd Viscosity. Fluids with odd viscosity break the time reversal symmetry and consequently the Lorentz reciprocal theorem does not hold. Here we report a way of restoring its validity and demostrate how it can be applied to predict the motion of active particles in such a fluid.

Article in Nature Communications

Article in Nature Communications

Featured news
9. November 2023

Andrej Vilfan from the Department of Condensed Matter Physics F5 and colleagues from Germany and Great Britain have published an article in the journal Nature Communications with the title Minimum entropy production by microswimmers with internal dissipation.We derive a general theorem for the minimum dissipation needed by a microswimmer in a viscous fluid, taking into account both external and internal dissipation. The theorem allows us to express a lower bound on dissipation with the drag coefficients of two bodies of the same shape as the swimmer, but with different boundary conditions. Our results show that the entropy production by active microswimmers is subject to different fundamental limits than the entropy production by externally driven particles.

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