Objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

  1. Andreja Abina, Uroš Puc, Anton Jeglič, Aleksander Zidanšek, “Applications of terahertz spectroscopy and imaging for building materials characterization”, V: Conference proceedings 2015, 51th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials and the Workshop on Terahertz and Microwave Systems, September 23 – 25 2015, Bled, Slovenia, Janez Trontelj, ur., Marko Topič, ur., Aleksander Sešek, ur., Ljubljana, MIDEM – Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 2015, str. 186-190. [COBISS.SI-ID 28893479]
  2. Gašper Fele-Žorž, Karolina Počivavšek, Jaka Konda, Ana Marija Peterlin, Alen Ajanovič, Ana Prodan, Saša Rink, Anton Gradišek, Matjaž Gams, Mojca Matičič, “Application for sexually transmitted infection risk assessment”, V: Inteligentni sistemi: zbornik 18. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba – IS 2015, 7. oktober 2015, [Ljubljana, Slovenia]: zvezek A: proceedings of the 18th International Multiconference Information Society – IS 2015, October 7th, 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia: volume A, Rok Piltaver, ur., Matjaž Gams, ur., Ljubljana, Institut Jožef Stefan, 2015, str. 24-28. [COBISS.SI-ID 28925735]
  3. Lovro Fulanović, Marko Vrabelj, Silvo Drnovšek, Hana Uršič, Danjela Kuščer, Kostja Makarovič, Zdravko Kutnjak, Vid Bobnar, Barbara Malič, “Characterization of 0.9Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.1PbTiO3 electrocaloric elements prepared by tape casting”, V: Conference proceedings 2015, 51th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials and the Workshop on Terahertz and Microwave Systems, September 23 – 25 2015, Bled, Slovenia, Janez Trontelj, ur., Marko Topič, ur., Aleksander Sešek, ur., Ljubljana, MIDEM – Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 2015, str. 221-226. [COBISS.SI-ID 28888615]
  4. Anton Gradišek, Gašper Slapničar, Jure Šorn, Boštjan Kaluža, Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, He Hui, Tomi Trilar, Janez Grad, “How to recognize animal species based on sound – a case study on bumblebees, birds, and frogs”, V: Inteligentni sistemi: zbornik 18. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba – IS 2015, 7. oktober 2015, [Ljubljana, Slovenia]: zvezek A: proceedings of the 18th International Multiconference Information Society – IS 2015, October 7th, 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia: volume A, Rok Piltaver, ur., Matjaž Gams, ur., Ljubljana, Institut Jožef Stefan, 2015, str. 38-41. [COBISS.SI-ID 28928039]
  5. Caio Guimarães, Jeesoo An, Matjaž Humar, Will Goth, Seok Hyun Andy Yun, “Biocompatible optical needle array for antibacterial blue light therapy”, V: Bioinspired, biointegrated, bioengineered photonic devices III: toward point-of-care diagnostics: 16 March 2015, San Francisco, California, (Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 9341), Luke P. Lee, ur., John A. Rogers, ur., Seok Hyun Andy Yun, ur., Bellingham, SPIE, 2015, str. 93410R-1-93410R-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 28472871]
  6. Mindaugas Karaliunas, Rimvydas Venckevičius, Irmantas Kašalynas, Uroš Puc, Andreja Abina, Anton Jeglič, Aleksander Zidanšek, Gintaras Valušis, “Investigation of pharmaceutical drugs and caffeine-containing foods using Fourier and terahertz time-domain spectroscopy”, V: Terahertz emitters, receivers, and applications VI: August 9, 2015, San Diego, California, United States, (Proceedings of SPIE, 9585), Manijeh Razeghi, ur., Bellingham, SPIE, 2015, str. 95850U-1-95850U-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 28829479]
  7. Katja Makovšek, Irena Ramšak, Barbara Malič, Vid Bobnar, Danjela Kuščer, “Processing of steatite ceramic with a low dielectric constant and low dielectric losses”, V: Conference proceedings 2015, 51th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials and the Workshop on Terahertz and Microwave Systems, September 23 – 25 2015, Bled, Slovenia, Janez Trontelj, ur., Marko Topič, ur., Aleksander Sešek, ur., Ljubljana, MIDEM – Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 2015, str. 197-202. [COBISS.SI-ID 28887335]
  8. Aleksander Matavž et al. (15 avtorjev), “Inkjet printing of alkoxide-based precursor solution for use in transparent electronics”, V: Zbornik: 2. del: part 2, 7. študentska konferenca Mednarodne podiplomske šole Jožefa Stefana = 7th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students’ Conference, 20.-22. 5. 2015, Ljubljana, Andraž Rešetič, ur., et al, Ljubljana, Mednarodna podiplomska šola Jožefa Stefana, 2015, zv. 1, str. 218-227. [COBISS.SI-ID 28611623]
  9. Raša Pirc, Zdravko Kutnjak, “Freezing in relaxor ferroelectrics and dipolar glasses”, V: Special issue of the International Workshop on Relaxor Ferroelectrics, IWRF-14, October 12-16, 2014, Štiřin, Czech Republic, (Phase transition, Vol. 88, no. 3, 2015), New York, Gordon and Breach, 2015, vol. 88, no. 3, str. 222-233, 2015. [COBISS.SI-ID 28140583]
  10. Uroš Puc, Andreja Abina, Anton Jeglič, Aleksander Zidanšek, “Investigation of pharmaceutical and illicit substances by terahertz spectroscopy”, V: Conference proceedings 2015, 51th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials and the Workshop on Terahertz and Microwave Systems, September 23 – 25 2015, Bled, Slovenia, Janez Trontelj, ur., Marko Topič, ur., Aleksander Sešek, ur., Ljubljana, MIDEM – Society for Microelectronics, Electronic Components and Materials, 2015, str. 191-194. [COBISS.SI-ID 28893735]
  11. Igor Serša, Matej Kranjc, Damijan Miklavčič, “Current density imaging sequence for monitoring current distribution during delivery of electric pulses in irreversible electroporation”, V: Advanced techniques for treating deep seated tumor using electrochemotherapy (ECT) and irreversible electroporation (IRE), (BioMedical engineering online, vol. 14, suppl. 3, 2015), Rafael V. Davalos, ur., Damijan Miklavčič, ur., London, BioMed Central, 2015, str. S6-1-S6-12. [COBISS.SI-ID 28806951]
  12. Maja Somrak, Anton Gradišek, Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, “Prepoznavanje bolezni na podlagi vprašalnika in meritev s senzorji vitalnih znakov”, V: Inteligentni sistemi: zbornik 18. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba – IS 2015, 7. oktober 2015, [Ljubljana, Slovenia]: zvezek A: proceedings of the 18th International Multiconference Information Society – IS 2015, October 7th, 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia: volume A, Rok Piltaver, ur., Matjaž Gams, ur., Ljubljana, Institut Jožef Stefan, 2015, str. 104-107. [COBISS.SI-ID 28932903]
  13. Drago Strle, Igor Muševič, “High level modeling and simulation of a sensor system for trace detection of different molecules in the air”, V: Smart systems integration, 9th International Conference & Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems – MEMS, NEMS, ICs and Electronic Components, Copenhagen, Denmark, 11-12 March 2015, Aachen, Apprimus, 2015, str. 65-72. [COBISS.SI-ID 10964820]
  14. Mojca Žlahtič, Boštjan Lesar, Nejc Thaler, Igor Serša, Urška Mikac, Ana Sepe, Davor Kržišnik, Miha Humar, “Moisture and fungal performance of wood treated with tung oil”, V: Proceedings of the 11th meeting of the Northern European network for wood science and engineering (WSE): September 14-15, 2015, Poznan, Poland, Waldemar Perdoch, ur., Magdalena Broda, ur., Poznan, Poznan university of life science, 2015, str. 125-132. [COBISS.SI-ID 2431625]