Izvirni znanstveni članek 2012

  1. Gerardo Abbandonato, Donata Catalano, Valentina Domenici, Boštjan Zalar, “2H NMR orientational study of a probe dissolved in nematic solution and, used as crosslinker, in a liquid crystalline elastomer”, Liq. cryst., vol. 39, no. 2, str. 165-174, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25573927]
  2. Tetsuo Asaji, Joshiharu Ito, Janez Seliger, Veselko Žagar, Anton Gradišek, Tomaž Apih, “Phase transition and ring-Puckering motion in a metal organic perovskite [(CH2)3NH2][Zn(HCOO)3]”, J. phys. chem., A Mol. spectrosc. kinet. environ. gen. theory, vol. 116, no. 51, str. 12422-12428, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26361639]
  3. Franci Bajd, Matej Kranjc, Damijan Miklavčič, Igor Serša, “Current density imaging during tissue electroporation”, Pril. – Maked. akad. nauk. umet., Odd. biol. med. nauki, vol. 33, no. 1, str. 367-372. [COBISS.SI-ID 26135079]
  4. Franci Bajd, Igor Serša, “A concept of thrombolysis as a corrosion-erosion process verified by optical microscopy”, Microcirc. (N.Y. N.Y. 1994), vol. 19, no. 7, str. 632-641, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26160423]
  5. Franci Bajd, Jernej Vidmar, Aleš Blinc, Igor Serša, “Analysis of blood clot degradation fragment sizes in relation to plasma flow velocity”, Gen. physiol. biophys., vol. 31, no. 3, str. 237-245, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26061607]
  6. Franci Bajd, Jernej Vidmar, Andrej Fabjan, Aleš Blinc, Eduard Kralj, Nina Bizjak, Igor Serša, “Impact of altered venous hemodynamic conditions on the formation of platelet layers in thromboemboli”, Thromb. res., vol. 129, issue 2, str. 158-163, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25117479]
  7. Michael Philip Beeston et al. (6 avtorjev), “Chemical and morphological characterization of aerosol particles at Mt. Krvavec, Slovenia, during the Eyjafjallajökull Icelandic volcanic eruption”, Environ. sci. pollut. res. int., vol. 19, no. 1, str. 235-243, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 4700186]
  8. Carla Bittencourt, Peter Krüger, Maureen J. Lagos, Xiaoxing Ke, Gustaaf Van Tendeloo, Christopher Paul Ewels, Polona Umek, Peter Guttmann, “Towards atomic resolution in sodium titanate nanotubes using near-edge X-ray-absorption fine-structure spectromicroscopy combined with multichannel multiple-scattering calculations”, Beilstein j. nanotechnol., vol. 3, str. 789-797, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26294311]
  9. Matej Bobnar, Peter Jeglič, Martin Klanjšek, Zvonko Jagličić, Magdalena Wencka, Petar Popčević, Jovica Ivkov, Denis Stanić, Ana Smontara, Peter Gille, Janez Dolinšek, “Intrinsic anisotropic magnetic, electrical, and thermal transport properties of d-Al-Co-Ni decagonal quasicrystals”, Phys. rev., B, Condens. matter mater. phys., vol. 85, no. 2, str. 024205-1-024205-11, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25544231]
  10. Vid Bobnar, X. Li, Goran Casar, Andreja Eršte, Sebastjan Glinšek, X. Qian, Q. M. Zhang, “Tailoring electrically induced properties by stretching relaxor polymer films”, J. appl. phys., vol. 111, no. 8, str. 083515-1-083515-4, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25748263]
  11. Janez Buh, Paul J. McGuiness, Nina Daneu, Denis Arčon, “Hydrogenation of the high-coercivity Nd-Fe-Al amorphous alloy”, Intermetallics (Barking), vol. 31, str. 152-156, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26009127]
  12. George Cordoyiannis, Dominic Kramer, Marta Lavrič, Heino Finkelmann, Zdravko Kutnjak, “Calorimetric investigation of the isotropic to smectic-A phase transition of smectic liquid-crystalline elastomers”, V: Proecedings od the 11th European Conference on Liquid Crystals, ECLC 2011, 6-11 February 2011, Maribor, Slovenia, Molecular crystals and liquid crystals, vol. 553, no. 1, str. 193-198, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25495079]
  13. Simon Čopar, Tine Porenta, Venkata Subba R. Jampani, Igor Muševič, Slobodan Žumer, “Stability and rewiring of nematic braids in chiral nematic colloids”, Soft matter, vol. 8, iss. 33, str. 8595-8600, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 2452068]
  14. Simon Čopar, Slobodan Žumer, “Topological and geometric decomposition of nematic textures”, Phys. rev., E Stat. nonlinear soft matter phys. (Print), vol. 85, issue 3, str. 031701-1-031701-7, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 2412388]
  15. Katarina Ćirić, Andraž Kocjan, Anton Gradišek, Vasilij J. Koteski, Ana M. Kalijadis, Valentin Ivanovski, Zoran V. Laušević, Dragica Lj. Stojić, “A study on crystal structure, bonding and hydriding properties of Ti-Fe-Ni intermetallics – behind substitution of iron by nickel”, Int. j. hydrogen energy, vol. 37, no. 10, str. 8408-8417, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25742119]
  16. Jayasri Dontabhaktuni, Miha Ravnik, Slobodan Žumer, “Shape-tuning the colloidal assemblies in nematic liquid crystals”, Soft matter, vol. 8, issue 5, str. 1657-1663, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 2400356]
  17. Nataša Drnovšek, Katja Rade, Radmila Milačič, Janez Štrancar, Saša Novak, “The properties of bioactive TiO2 coatings on Ti-based implants”, Surf. coat. technol., vol. 209, str. 177-183, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26118951]
  18. Andreja Eršte, Xian-Zhong Chen, Cheng-Liang Jia, Qun-Dong Shen, Vid Bobnar, “Dielectric investigations of relaxor reduced poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymer in DC bias electric field”, V: Proceedigs of the 12th European Meeting on Ferroelectricity, EMF12, June 26th – July 1st 2011, Bordeaux, France, Ferroelectrics, vol. 427, str. 157-162, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25894951]
  19. Andreja Eršte, Xian-Zhong Chen, Z. -X. Cheng, Qun-Dong Shen, Vid Bobnar, “Structural and dielectric properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride)-based terpolymer/copolymer blends developed on aluminum foil”, J. appl. phys., vol. 112, no. 5, str. 053505-1-053505-5, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26068263]
  20. Melvin Essone Mezeme, Matej Kranjc, Franci Bajd, Igor Serša, Christian Brosseau, Damijan Miklavčič, “Assessing how electroporation affects the effective conductivity tensor of biological tissues”, Appl. phys. lett., vol. 101, no. 21, str. 1-4, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 9551956]
  21. Cene Filipič, A. Moguš-Milanković, L. Pavić, M. Karabulut, Adrijan Levstik, “Polarons in boron doped iron phosphate glasses”, J. non-cryst. solids, vol. 358, no. 20, str. 2793-2795, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26062887]
  22. Cene Filipič, A. Moguš-Milanković, L. Pavić, K. Srilatha, N. Veeraiah, Adrijan Levstik, “Polaronic behavior of MnO doped LiI-AgI-B2O3 glass”, J. appl. phys., vol. 112, no. 7, str. 073705-1-073705-3, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26147623]
  23. Tomaž Finkšt, Jurij F. Tasič, Marjeta Terčelj-Zorman, Matej Zajc, “Autofluorescence bronchoscopy image processing in the selected colour spaces”, Stroj. vestn., vol. 58, no. 9, str. 501-508, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 12439579]
  24. Albert Frish, K. Aikawa, M. Mark, A. Rietzler, J. Schindler, Erik Zupanič, R. Grimm, F. Ferlaino, “Narrow-line magneto-optical trap for erbium”, Phys. rev., A, vol. 85, no. 5, str. 051401-1-051401-5, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25777703]
  25. Marko Gosak, Matjaž Perc, Samo Kralj, “The impact of static disorder on vibrational resonance in a ferroelectric liquid crystal”, V: Proecedings od the 11th European Conference on Liquid Crystals, ECLC 2011, 6-11 February 2011, Maribor, Slovenia, Molecular crystals and liquid crystals, vol. 553, no. 1, str. 13-20, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 18878472]
  26. Biljana Govedarica, Tamás Sovány, Klára Pintyé-Hodi, Miha Škarabot, Saša Baumgartner, Igor Muševič, Stanko Srčič, “Addressing potent single molecule AFM study in prediction of swelling and dissolution rate in polymer matrix tablets”, Eur. j. pharm. biopharm., vol. 80, no. 1, str. 217-225, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 3101809]
  27. Peter Guttmann, Stefan Rembein, Carla Bittencourt, Polona Umek, Xiaoxing Ke, Gustaaf Van Tendeloo, Christopher Paul Ewels, G. Schneider, “Nanoscale spectroscopy with polarized X-rays by NEXAFS-TXM”, Nat. photonics (Print), vol. 6, no. 1, str. 25-29, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25317671]
  28. Wan Sik Hwang et al. (11 avtorjev), “Transistors with chemically synthesized layered semiconductor WS2 exhibiting 105 room temperature modulation and ambipolar behavior”, Appl. phys. lett., vol. 101, no. 1, str. 013107-1-013107-4, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26026535]
  29. Simon Jazbec, P. Koželj, Stanislav Vrtnik, Zvonko Jagličić, Petar Popčević, Jovica Ivkov, D. Stanić, Ana Smontara, Michael Feuerbacher, Janez Dolinšek, “Electrical, magnetic, and thermal properties of the δ-FeZn10) complex intermetallic phase”, Phys. rev., B, Condens. matter mater. phys., vol. 86, no. 6, str. 064205-1-064205-8, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26035239]
  30. Andreja Jelen, Vili Bukošek, Janez Dolinšek, “Viscoelastic properties and reinforcement performance of the MoS2 nanotubes-polymer composite”, International journal of material science, vol. 2, no. 1, str. 20-26, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25904167]
  31. Janez Jelenc, Maja Remškar, “Friction on a single MoS2 nanotube”, Nanoscale research letters, vol. 7, str. 208-1-208-17, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25737255]
  32. Miran Jeromel, Vladimir Jevtič, Igor Serša, Matija Tomšič, Matija Tomšič, “Quantification of synovitis in the cranio-cervical region: dynamic contrast enhanced and diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging in early rheumatoid arthritis: a feasibility follow up study”, Eur. j. radiol., vol. 81, no. 11, str. 3412-3419, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26343719]
  33. Dalija Jesenek, Ivan Gerlič, Anja Višnikar, Robert Repnik, Samo Kralj, “Thin nemantic films: laboratory of physics for topological defects”, V: Proecedings od the 11th European Conference on Liquid Crystals, ECLC 2011, 6-11 February 2011, Maribor, Slovenia, Molecular crystals and liquid crystals, vol. 553, no. 1, str. 153-160, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25534503]
  34. Dalija Jesenek, Šárka Perutková, Veronika Kralj-Iglič, Samo Kralj, Aleš Iglič, “Exocytotic fusion pore stability and topological defects in the membrane with orientational degree of ordering”, Cell Calcium, vol. 52, no. 3/4, str. 277-282, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26056231]
  35. Mitjan Kalin, Janez Kogovšek, Maja Remškar, “Mechanisms and improvements in the friction and wear behavior using MoS2 nanotubes as potential oil additives”, Wear, vol. 280/281, iss. [4], str. 36-45, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 12245787]
  36. Martin Klanjšek, Anton Gradišek, Andraž Kocjan, Matej Bobnar, Peter Jeglič, Magdalena Wencka, Zvonko Jagličić, Petar Popčević, Jovica Ivkov, Ana Smontara, Peter Gille, M. Armbrüster, Yuri Grin, Janez Dolinšek, “PdGa intermetallic hydrogenation catalyst: an NMR and physical property study”, J. phys., Condens. matter, vol. 24, no. 8, str. 085703-1-085703-9, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25582375]
  37. Andraž Kocjan, Anton Gradišek, Nina Daneu, Tomaž Apih, Paul J. McGuiness, Spomenka Kobe, “Structural and magnetic changes in hydrogenated TiFe1-xNix alloys”, J. magn. magn. mater., vol. 324, issue 13, str. 2043-2050, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25632295]
  38. Tilen Koklič, Janez Štrancar, “Lysolipid containing liposomes for transendothelial drug delivery”, BMC research notes, vol. 5, art. no. 139, 7 str., april 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25811239]
  39. Samo Kralj, George Cordoyiannis, Dalija Jesenek, Aleksander Zidanšek, Gojmir Lahajnar, Nikola Novak, Heinz Amenitsch, Zdravko Kutnjak, “Dimensional crossover and scaling behavior of a smectic liquid crystal confined to controlled-pore glass matrices”, Soft matter, vol. 8, issue 8, str. 2460-2470, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25534759]
  40. Samo Kralj, Robert Repnik, “Patterns in symmetry breaking transitions”, V: Philosophy of mind and cognitive modelling in education – 2012, (Problems of education in the 21st century, vol. 46), Vincentas Lamanauskas, ur., Siauliai, Scientific Methodological Center Scientia Educologica, 2012, str. 74-84. [COBISS.SI-ID 19462920]
  41. Matej Kranjc, Franci Bajd, Igor Serša, Eung Je Woo, Damijan Miklavčič, “Ex vivo and in silico feasibility study of monitoring electric field distribution in tissue during electroporation based treatments”, PloS one, vol. 7, no. 9, str. 1-8, Sep. 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 9398868]
  42. Jolanta N. Latosińska, M. Latosińska, Janez Seliger, Veselko Žagar, “An innovative method for the non-destructive identification of photodegradation products in solid state: 1H-14N NMR-NQR and DFT/QTAIM study of photodegradation of nifedipine (anti-hypertensive) to nitrosonifedipine (potential anti-oxidative)”, Eur. j. pharm. sci., vol. 47, iss. 1, str. 97-107, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 2435684]
  43. Jolanta N. Latosińska, M. Latosińska, Janez Seliger, Veselko Žagar, J. K. Maurin, Z. Kazimierczuk, “Nature of isomerism of solid isothiourea salts, inhibitors of nitric oxide synthases, as studied by 1H-14N quadrupole double resonance, x-ray, and density functional theory/quantum theory of atoms and molecules”, J. phys. chem., A Mol. spectrosc. kinet. environ. gen. theory, vol. 116, issue 5, str. 1445-1463, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 2402916]
  44. Jolanta N. Latosińska, M. Latosińska, Marzena Agnieszka Tomczak, Janez Seliger, Veselko Žagar, J. K. Maurin, “Conformations and intermolecular interactions pattern in solid chloroxylenol and triclosan (API of anti-infective agents and drugs): a 35Cl NQR, 1H-14N NQDR, x-ray and DFT/QTAIM study”, Magn. reson. chem., vol. 50, str. 89-105, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 2412132]
  45. Jolanta N. Latosińska, Janez Seliger, Veselko Žagar, D. V. Burchardt, “A comparative study of the hydrogen-bonding patterns and prototropism in solid 2-thiocytosine (potential antileukemic agent) and cytosine, as studied by 1H-14N NQDR and QTAIM/ DFT”, J. mol. model., vol. 18, no. 1, str. 11-26, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 2391652]
  46. Andrija Lebar, George Cordoyiannis, Zdravko Kutnjak, Boštjan Zalar, “The isotropic-to-nematic conversion in liquid crystalline elastomers”, Adv. polym. sci., vol. 250, str. 147-185, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25574183]
  47. Jin Bae Lee, Won G. Hong, Hae Jin Kim, Zvonko Jagličić, Simon Jazbec, Magdalena Wencka, Andreja Jelen, Janez Dolinšek, “Canted antiferromagnetism on a nanodimensional spherical surface geometry: the case of MnCO_3 small hollow nanospheres”, Phys. rev., B, Condens. matter mater. phys., vol. 86, no. 22, str. 224407-1-224407-11, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26336039]
  48. Marko Likon, Maja Remškar, Vilma Ducman, Franc Švegl, “Populus seed fibers as a natural source for production of oil super absorbents”, J. environ. manag., 1-10 str., 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 1889127]
  49. Sheng-Guo Lu, Brigita Rožič, Q. M. Zhang, Zdravko Kutnjak, Raša Pirc, “Electrocaloric effect in ferroelectric polymers: [invited paper]”, Appl. phys., A, Mater. sci. process. (Print), vol. 107, no. 3, str. 559-566, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25657383]
  50. Alberto Marini, Blaž Zupančič, Valentina Domenici, Benedetta Mennucci, Boštjan Zalar, Carlo Alberto Veracini, “A photosensitive liquid crystal studied by 14N NMR, 2H NMR, and DFT calculation”, ChemPhysChem, vol. 13, no. 17, str. 3958-3965, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26317607]
  51. Urška Mikac, Ana Sepe, Julijana Kristl, Saša Baumgartner, “The use of a combination of different MR methods to study swelling of hydrophilic xanthan matrix tablets at different pHs”, Pril. – Maked. akad. nauk. umet., Odd. mat.-teh. nauki, vol. 33, no. 1, str. 391-395, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26165543]
  52. Maja Milfelner, Milan Ambrožič, Marjan Krašna, Matej Cvetko, Aleksander Zidanšek, Robert Repnik, “Visualization of nematic director field with the RGB color system”, V: Proecedings od the 11th European Conference on Liquid Crystals, ECLC 2011, 6-11 February 2011, Maribor, Slovenia, Molecular crystals and liquid crystals, vol. 553, no. 1, str. 50-57, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 18901000]
  53. S. Mukhopadhyay, Martin Klanjšek, “Quantum-critical spin dynamics in quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnets”, Phys. rev. lett., vol. 109, no. 17, str. 177206-1- 177206-5, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26220327]
  54. Mohammed Naffakh, Ana M. Díez-Pascual, Maja Remškar, Carlos Marco, “New inorganic nanotube polymer nanocomposites: improved thermal, mechanical and tribological properties in isotactic polypropylene incorporating INT-MoS2”, J. mater. chem., vol. 22, no. 33, str. 17002-17010, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26026279]
  55. Cristina Navío et al. (11 avtorjev), “Gold clusters on WO3 nanoneedles grown via AACVD: XPS and TEM studies”, Mater. chem. phys., vol. 134, issue 2-3, str. 809-813, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25791527]
  56. Nikola Novak, George Cordoyiannis, Zdravko Kutnjak, “Dielectric and heat capacity study of (Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3)0.74(PbTiO3)0.26 ferroelectric relaxor near the cubic-tetragonal-Rrombohedral triple point”, V: Proceedigs of the 12th European Meeting on Ferroelectricity, EMF12, June 26th – July 1st 2011, Bordeaux, France, Ferroelectrics, vol. 428, no. 1, str. 43-48, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25896743]
  57. Nikola Novak, Raša Pirc, Zdravko Kutnjak, “Impact of the electric field on the freezing dynamics of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3”, Ferroelectrics, vol. 426, no. 1, str. 31-37, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25795879]
  58. Nikola Novak, Raša Pirc, Magdalena Wencka, Zdravko Kutnjak, “High-resolution calorimetric study of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 single crystal”, Phys. rev. lett., vol. 109, no. 3, str. 037601-1-037601-5, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25971495]
  59. Nikola Novak, Brigita Rožič, Janez Holc, Marija Kosec, Raša Pirc, Zdravko Kutnjak, “Thermal response at the dipolar-glass to ferroelectric transition in structuraly disordered ferroelectric materials: special issue: professor Wolfgang Kleemann in honor of his 70th birthday”, Ferroelectrics, vol. 426, no. 1, str. 223-229, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25796391]
  60. Sara Novak, Damjana Drobne, Janez Valant, Živa Pipan Tkalec, Primož Pelicon, Primož Vavpetič, Nataša Grlj, Ingrid Falnoga, Darja Mazej, Maja Remškar, “Cell membrane integrity and internalization of ingested TiO2 nanoparticles by digestive gland cells of a terrestrial isopod”, Environ. toxicol. chem., vol. 31, issue 5, str. 1083-1090, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 2553167]
  61. Raša Pirc, Zdravko Kutnjak, Nikola Novak, “Compressible spherical dipolar glass model of relaxor ferroelectrics”, J. appl. phys., vol. 112, no. 11, str. 114122-1-114122-5, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26343975]
  62. Raša Pirc, Brigita Rožič, Zdravko Kutnjak, Robert Blinc, Xinyu Li, M. Zhang, “Electrocaloric effect and dipolar entropy change in ferroelectric polymers: special issue: professor Wolfgang Kleemann in honor of his 70th birthday”, Ferroelectrics, vol. 426, no. 1, str. 38-44, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25796135]
  63. Emil Plesnik, Olga Malgina, Jurij F. Tasič, Matej Zajc, “Detection of the electrocardiogram fiducial points in the phase space using the euclidian distance measure”, Med. eng. phys., vol. 34, no. 4, str. 524-529, May 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 9010772]
  64. Rok Podlipec, Tilen Koklič, Janez Štrancar, Janez Mravljak, Marjeta Šentjurc, “Influence of cancerostatic perifosine on membrane fluidity of liposomes and different cell lines as measured by electron paramagnetic resonance”, Croat. med. j., vol. 53, no. 6, str. 570-579, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 3377265]
  65. Tine Porenta, Miha Ravnik, Slobodan Žumer, “Complex field-stabilised nematic defect structures in Laguerre-Gaussian optical tweezers”, Soft matter, vol. 8, issue 6, str. 1865-1870, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 2400100]
  66. Anton Potočnik, Nicola Manini, Matej Komelj, Erio Tosatti, Denis Arčon, “Orthorhombic fulleride (CH3NH2)K3C60 close to Mott-Hubbard instability: ab initio study”, Phys. rev., B, Condens. matter mater. phys., vol. 86, no. 8, str. 085109-1-085109-7, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25998119]
  67. Tomaž Požrl, Matevž Kunaver, Matevž Pogačnik, Andrej Košir, Jurij F. Tasič, “Improving human-computer interaction in personalized TV recommender”, Electr. comput. eng. (Shiraz), vol. 36, no. E1, str. 19-36, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 9550932]
  68. Matej Pregelj, Oksana Zaharko, A. Günther, A. Loidl, V. Tsurkan, S. Guerrero, “Magnetic ground state and two-dimensional behavior in pseudo-kagome layered system Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br”, Phys. rev., B, Condens. matter mater. phys., vol. 86, no. 14, str. 144409-1-144409-7, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26177575]
  69. Matej Pregelj et al. (14 avtorjev), “Multiferroic FeTe2O5Br: alternating spin chains with frustrated interchain interactions”, Phys. rev., B, Condens. matter mater. phys., vol. 86, no. 5, str. 054402-1-054402-6, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25998375]
  70. Matej Pregelj, Andrej Zorko, Oksana Zaharko, Denis Arčon, Matej Komelj, A. D. Hillier, Helmuth Berger, “Persistent spin dynamics Intrinsic to amplitude-modulated long-range magnetic order”, Phys. rev. lett., vol. 109, no. 22, str. 227202-1-227202-5, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26300711]
  71. Robert Repnik, Vlad Popa-Nita, Samo Kralj, “Mixtures of nanoparticles and liquid crystal phases exhibiting topological defects”, V: Proceedings of the 14th International Topical Meeting Optics of Liquid Crystals (OLC 2011), Molecular crystals and liquid crystals, vol. 560, iss. 1, str. 115-122, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 19420936]
  72. Tadej Rojac, Barbara Malič, Marija Kosec, Maria Połomska, Bożena Hilczer, Blaž Zupančič, Boštjan Zalar, “Mechanochemical synthesis of NaNbO3: a complementary study of reaction mechanism using Raman spectroscopy and quadrupole perturbed 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance”, Solid state ion., vol. 215, vol. 215, str. 1-6, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25720359]
  73. Riccardo Rosso, Epifanio G. Virga, Samo Kralj, “Parallel transport and defects on nematic shells”, V: Trends in thermodynamics and materials theory, Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics, vol. 24, iss. 4/6, str. 643-664, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 19474696]
  74. Brigita Rožič, Marko Jagodič, Sašo Gyergyek, Mihael Drofenik, Samo Kralj, Zvonko Jagličić, Zdravko Kutnjak, “Mixtures of magnetic nanoparticles and the ferroelectric liquid crystal: new soft magnetoelectrics”, V: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals, August 28 – September 2, 2011, Ontario, Canada, Ferroelectrics, vol. 431, no. 1, str. 150-153, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26091815]
  75. Brigita Rožič, Barbara Malič, Hana Uršič, Janez Holc, Marija Kosec, Sheng-Guo Lu, Q. M. Zhang, Zdravko Kutnjak, “The giant electrocaloric effect in inorganic and organic ferroelectric relaxor systems”, V: Proceedigs of the 12th European Meeting on Ferroelectricity, EMF12, June 26th – July 1st 2011, Bordeaux, France, Ferroelectrics, vol. 430, no. 1, str. 98-102, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25896487]
  76. Brigita Rožič, Hana Uršič, Janez Holc, Marija Kosec, Zdravko Kutnjak, “Direct measurements of the electrocaloric effect In substrate-free PMN-0.35pt thick films on a platinum layer”, V: ISIF 2012, Integrated ferroelectrics, vol. 140, no. 1, str. 161-165, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26361127]
  77. Mitja Rupreht, Vladimir Jevtič, Igor Serša, Matjaž Vogrin, Marko Jevšek, “Evaluation of the tibial tunnel after intraoperatively administered platelet-rich plasma gel during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using diffusion weighted and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI”, J. magn. reson. imaging, str. 1-8, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 4476735]
  78. Mitja Rupreht, Vladimir Jevtič, Igor Serša, Matjaž Vogrin, Tomaž Šeruga, Marko Jevšek, “Quantitative evaluation of the tibial tunnel after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using diffusion weighted and dynamic contrast enhanced MRI: a follow-up feasibility study”, Skelet. radiol., vol. 41, no. 5, str. 569-574, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 4045887]
  79. P. Sathyanarayana, Venkata Subba R. Jampani, Miha Škarabot, Igor Muševič, K. V. Le, Hideo Takezoe, S. Dhara, “Viscoelasticity of ambient-temperature nematic binary mixtures of bent-core and rodlike molecules”, Phys. rev., E Stat. nonlinear soft matter phys. (Print), vol. 85, no. 1, str. 011702-1-011702-9, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26333479]
  80. David Seč, Teresa Lopez-Leon, M. Nobili, C. Blanc, Alberto Fernandez-Nieves, Miha Ravnik, Slobodan Žumer, “Defect trajectories in nematic shells: role of elastic anisotropy and thickness heterogeneity”, Phys. rev., E Stat. nonlinear soft matter phys. (Print), vol. 86, iss. 2, str. 020705-1-020705-4, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 2458468]
  81. David Seč, Tine Porenta, Miha Ravnik, Slobodan Žumer, “Geometrical frustration of chiral ordering in cholesteric droplets”, Soft matter, vol. 8, no. 48, str. 11982-11988, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 2508388]
  82. Janez Seliger, Veselko Žagar, “Nuclear quadrupole resonance characterization of carbamazepine cocrystals”, Solid state nucl. magn. reson., vol. 47/48, str. 47-52, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 2502244]
  83. Janez Seliger, Veselko Žagar, “Unusual electron charge density in carboxylic acid, 17O quadrupole coupling in cis-cyclobutane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid”, J. phys. chem., A Mol. spectrosc. kinet. environ. gen. theory, vol. 116, iss. 26, str. 7139-7146, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 2445156]
  84. Janez Seliger, Veselko Žagar, M. Latosińska, Jolanta N. Latosińska, “Electron configuration and hydrogen-bonding pattern in several thymine and uracil analogues studied by 1H – 14N NQDR and DFT/QTAIM”, J. phys. chem., B Condens. mater. surf. interfaces biophys., vol. 116, iss. 30, str. 8793-8804, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 2451812]
  85. Igor Serša, “Magnetic resonance microscopy in biomedical research”, Pril. – Maked. akad. nauk. umet., Odd. biol. med. nauki, vol. 33, no. 1, str. 435-439, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26129447]
  86. Janez Stepišnik, Bernd Fritzinger, Ulrich Scheler, Aleš Mohorič, “Self-diffusion in nanopores studied by the NMR pulse gradient spin echo”, Europhys. lett., vol. 98, no. 5, str. 57009-p1-57009-p4, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 2434404]
  87. Drago Strle, Bogdan Štefane, Uroš Nahtigal, Erik Zupanič, Franc Požgan, Ivan Kvasić, Marijan Maček, Janez Trontelj, Igor Muševič, “Surface-functionalized MEMS capacitive sensors and CMOS electronics for vapor Trace detection of explosives”, IEEE sens. j., vol. 12, issue 5, str. 1048-1057, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25306919]
  88. Milan Svetec, Samo Kralj, Vlad Popa-Nita, “Disorder-driven gradual transition of the continuous symmetry-breaking phase transition”, Anali PAZU, letn. 2, št. 1, str. 6-14, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 19545608]
  89. Dušan Šušterčič, Igor Serša, “Human tooth pulp anatomy visualization by 3D magnetic resonance microscopy”, Radiol. oncol. (Ljubl.), vol. 46, no. 1, str. 1-7, I, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25661223]
  90. Marko Tkalčič, Andrej Košir, Jurij F. Tasič, “The LDOS-PerAff-1 corpus of facial-expression video clips with affective, personality and user-interaction metadata”, J. Multimodal User Interfaces (Print.), vol., no., str. 1-13, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 9389652]
  91. Marko Tkalčič, Ante Odić, Andrej Košir, Jurij F. Tasič, “Impact of implicit and explicit affective labeling on a recommender system’s performance”, V: Advances in user modeling: revised selected papers, Lecture notes in computer science, vol.7138, str. 342-354, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 9007956]
  92. Polona Umek, Carla Bittencourt, Alexandre Gloter, Robert Dominko, Zvonko Jagličić, Pavel Cevc, Denis Arčon, “Local coordination and valence states of cobalt in sodium titanate nanoribbons”, The journal of physical chemistry. C, Nanomaterials and interfaces, vol. 116, no. 20, str. 11357-11363, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25878055]
  93. Polona Umek, Romana Cerc Korošec, “The impact of K+ content on the structural transformations and morphological changes during the thermal treatment of α-MnO2 nanorods”, Mater. res. bull., vol. 47, issue 6, 1523-1528, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25707559]
  94. Jernej Vidmar, Ksenija Cankar, Lidija Nemeth, Igor Serša, “Assessment of the dentin-pulp complex response to caries by ADC mapping”, NMR biomed., vol. 25, issue 9, str. 1056-1062, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25540391]
  95. Andrej Vilfan, “Generic flow profiles induced by a beating cilium”, The European physical journal. E, Soft matter, vol. 35, no. 8, str. 72-1-72-11, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26016551]
  96. Andrej Vilfan, “Optimal shapes of surface slip driven self-propelled microswimmers”, Phys. rev. lett., vol. 109, no. 12, str. 128105-1-128105-5, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26105639]
  97. Andrej Vilfan, “Out of touch, but not out of sync: viewpoint”, Physics, vol. 5, str. 107-1-107-3, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26113575]
  98. Mojca Vilfan, Gašper Kokot, Andrej Vilfan, Natan Osterman, Blaž Kavčič, Igor Poberaj, Dušan Babič, “Analysis of fluid flow around a beating artificial cilium”, Beilstein j. nanotechnol., vol. 3, str. 163-171, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25645095]
  99. Marko Viršek, Nikola Novak, Cene Filipič, Peter Kump, Maja Remškar, Zdravko Kutnjak, “Transport properties in MoS2 selective morphology system”, J. appl. phys., vol. 112, no. 10, str. 103710-1-103710-6, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 26277671]
  100. Blaž Zupančič, S. Diez-Berart, Daniele Finotello, Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Boštjan Zalar, “Photoisomerization-controlled phase segregation in a submicron confined azonematic liquid crystal”, Phys. rev. lett., vol. 108, no. 25, str. 257801-1-257801-5, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 25964071]
  101. Slobodan Žumer, Jun-ichi Fukuda, Miha Ravnik, “Confined colloidal blue phases with potential for photonics”, V: Proceedings of the 14th International Topical Meeting: optics of liquid crystals (OLC 2011), part III of III: Marriott, Yerevan, Armenia, September 25 – October 1, 2011, Molecular crystals and liquid crystals, vol. 561, iss. 1, str. 107-114, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 2500452]