Specialized Seminar on Experimental Physics
Specialistični seminar iz eksperimentalne fizike
Specialized Seminar on Experimental Physics
Programe 2019/20:
Dr. Andrej Studen (FMF & Institute Jozef Stefan)
Eksperimental methods in medical physics
Monday, 16.12. 2019
Prof. Dr. Tom Lancaster (University of Durham)
Muon spin relaxation
Monday, 13.1. 2020 from 10-12h
16.3.2020 Due to the outbreak of virus, we are now moving this seminar to Zoom. You have all received the invitation and the link via e-mail to the meeting.
Below please find an update for the upcoming lectures in the next few weeks. Please note that dr. Matjaz Vencelj will lecture already this Thursday and Friday. We will organise these lectures via zoom application. Should you have any difficulties in connecting to the meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me as soon as possible.
Dr. Matjaz Vencelj (Institute Jozef Stefan)
Acquisition chain for the detection of ionizing particles and photons (Telling the good from the ugly)
Thursday, 19.3. from 10-12h
Friday, 20.3. from 10-12h
Schedule of lectures below may be revised. Please follow the instructions, which will be submited regularly.
Prof. dr. Bruce D. Gaulin (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada)
Neutron diffraction methods
Thursday, 26.3. from 9-11h
Friday, 27.3. from 12-14h
Monday, 30.3. from 13-15h
Prof. Primoz Pelicon (Institute Jozef Stefan)
An introduction to electrostatic accelerators and Ion Beam Analysis
Monday 6.4. and 20.4. from 10-12h .
Prof. Rainer Kaltenbaek (FMF)
Quantum information methods
Prof. Alexandre Gloter (Universite Paris-Sud)
Electron microscopy
End of April.
Prof. Pietro Carretta (Unievrsita Pavia, Italy)
NMR of superconductors
Beginning of May 2020.
Dr. Tevfik Onur Mentes (Elettra synchrotron, Trieste, Italy)
X-ray microscopy applied to surface science and magnetism
May 25-27, 2020.
Kind regards,
Denis Arcon
Dr. Matjaz Vencelj (Institute Jozef Stefan)
Acquisition chain for the detection of ionizing particles and photons (Telling the good from the ugly)
Thursday, 19.3. from 10-12h
Friday, 20.3. from 12-14h
Dr. Matjaz Vencelj (Institute Jozef Stefan)
Acquisition chain for the detection of ionizing particles and photons (Telling the good from the ugly)
Thursday, 19.3. from 10-12h
Friday, 20.3. from 12-14h
Prof. dr. Bruce D. Gaulin (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada)
Neutron diffraction methods
Thursday, 26.3. from 9-11h
Friday, 27.3. from 12-14h
Prof. Primoz Pelicon (Institute Jozef Stefan)
An introduction to electrostatic accelerators and Ion Beam Analysis
Monday 6.4. and 20.4. from 10-12h in Kuscer seminar.
Dr. Tevfik Onur Mentes (Elettra synchrotron, Trieste, Italy)
X-ray microscopy applied to surface science and magnetism
May 25-27, 2020.
Precise dates of lectures are not yet confirmed
dr. Anton Potočnik, IMEC, Loeven, Belgium
Quantum computing
dr. Rainer Kaltenbaek (FMF)
Experiments in quantum optics for quantum communications
Programe 2017/18:
13-17. November 2017
Marko Zgonik – Characterisation of linear and nonlinear properties of optical materials.
Faculty of mathematics and physcis,
University of Ljubljana
Ljubljana, Slovenia
27. November 27 (Mon) – 1. December (Fri).
Kelly Hambleton Prša – Asteroseismology
Department of Astrophysics and Planetary Science
Villanova University
10-15. January 2018
Tomaž Mertelj – fs optical spectroscopy
Institute Jožef Stefan
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Schedule of lectures:
15.1. 2018: 14h-16h in F-2.
16.1. 2018: 16h-18h in F-5.
17.1. 2018: 15h-17h in Kuščer seminar.
18.1. 2018: 10h-12h in Kuščer seminar.
19-23 February 2018
Pietro Carretta – Magnetic resonance of superconductors,
Dipartimento di Fisica
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Web site http://arturo.unipv.it
Schedule of lectures:19.2.2018: 14h-16h in F-4.
20.02.2018: 14h-16h in F-4.
21.02.2018: 15h-17h in F- 10h-12h in Kuščer Seminar.
26. February 2018 – 2. March 2018
Andrea Locatelli -Synchrotron radiation spectromicroscopy at the nanometer scale
Head coordinator of Nanospectroscopy beamline
Elettra sincrotrone Trieste, Italy
Web site: http://www.elettra.trieste.it/elettra-beamlines/nanospectroscopy.html
11-17 April 2018
Peter Križan and Boštjan Golob – High Intensity Frontier in Particle Physics,
Schedule of lectures:
11.04.2018: 15h-17h in F-4 (Peter Križan).
12.04.2018: 10h-12h in Kuščer Seminar (Peter Križan).
16.04.2018: 14h-16h in F-4 (Boštjan Golob).
17.04.2018: 14h-16h in F-4 (Boštjan Golob).
23 April 2018
Žiga Šmit – Ion Beam Analysis in Archaeometry,
Schedule of lectures:23.04.2018: 15h-17h in F-4.
May 2018
Oksana Zaharko – Neutron Scattering techniques in Solid State Physcis Research
Paul Scherrer Institute
Laboratory for Neutron Scattering and Imaging (LNS)